Chapter 10.

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As light began to stream through the curtains of the Gryffindor common room, Mia began to stir from her deep sleep. She felt a warm sensation on her upper half, as she glanced to the side she saw a mop of red hair. Fabian Prewett. As Mia recalled the events of last night, she smiled. She and Fabian had stayed up till the early hours of morning, the ginger boy spent the whole time trying to cheer Mia up. He didn't pressure her to tell him the reason for her sadness, and something about that made Mia's heart swell. Knowing he didn't care about the reasoning for her sadness, only the recovery. Well, it brought a closed lipped smile to Mia's face.

It was such an odd thought to her that she had gone to school alongside the Prewett boy for almost 7 years but only recently had gotten to actually know him. Of course they had been quidditch rivals and classmates but nothing close to friends. What was even weirder was how they had connected more in one night than Mia ever had with some of her other friends.

She felt a little angered at herself for not opening her eyes sooner to the good looking ginger  because now she knew just what she'd been missing out on.

It was far to early to say anything for sure. But Mia thought she really liked Fabian Prewett.

She flopped her head back down on top of Fabians, his red locks tickling her check, and drifted of into a gentle hazy slumber once again.

Mia and Fabian must have stayed asleep for another few hours.

However, their peaceful rest was disrupted by 4 pairs of heavy feet thundering down the stairs from the boys dormitories above.

They abruptly stopped when they took in the sight in front of them.

"What the fuck?" James yelled loudly causing Mia and Fabian to jump.

Mia rubbed her eyes and looked around to find her brother and the Marauders staring down at her and the Prewett twin.

Fabian looked utterly confused as he took in the furious look of rage plastered on James Potters face.

"What do you mean 'what the fuck'?" Mia questioned. She was still upset with James as he stood up their study session. And as he now stood before her with a look of pure hatred on his features, she could feel her own anger begin bubbling to the surface.

"What I mean is, why in the bloody hell are you and Prewett snuggled up on sofa like a couple?" James asked in a patronisingly sarcastic tone.

"Oh I'm sorry James, I didn't realise you were my father."

"I can hang out with whoever the bloody hell I want. And you should know that the reason me and Fabian came here last night, was because you fucking stood me up. You stood me up because you would rather snog Evans than put in any work to the JOINT assignment." Mia shouted putting emphasis on the word joint.

James scoffed loudly and looked as though he would burst with anger.

"I stood you up because in case you forgot, yesterday you treated me like absolute shit when all I tried to do was help you!" He screamed back.

"Aww I'm sorry Jamesie, did I bruise your fragile ego." Mia retaliated.

At this point, the Marauders were stood awkwardly around the common room, Fabian was sat on the crimson sofa looking extremely confused and Lily, Alice and Marlene were milling around in the stairwell looking at the dramatic argument taking place.

"What makes you think I need your help Potter?" Mia quite literally screamed, her voice cracking on the word 'potter'.

"Oh here we go. Mia Black, the girl who never needs help. The independent girl. The girl who uses all of her fucking insecurities to make people feel bad for her. I bet thats how you got it on with Prewett so fast, isn't it. You just told him your little sob story. 'Mummy and Daddy don't like me. My twin brother ran away. I hate myself. I think I'm ugly." James mimicked Mia on the last bit. He didn't even regret it. His vision was flooded with red. He couldn't think straight. All he could see was Mia cuddled into Fabian Prewett's side.

That should be me. He kept thinking to himself. But it wasn't him holding Mia in his arms. Because every word he just said, broke a different string that held their friendship together. It also threw him a step further away from ever being the person to call Mia his own.

Each word that James Potter spoke was like a hammer to the chest to Mia Estella Walburga Black. She had told James in confidence all of her struggles. And now here he was, shouting them out for all to hear. She was beyond sadness. She was numb. So numb that she couldn't decipher the line between anger and sadness. It all blurred into a huge red ball.

"Fuck you Potter." She whispered. Tears flooded her vision but she refused to let them fall in front of all of her friends. Mia quickly made her way to the portrait entrance but glanced back.

"Or better yet, go fuck Evans." Mia shouted.

She ran out of the Gryffindor common room. She didn't know where she was going. But she just ran.

What hurt even more than James saying those spiteful things to her, was that her brother just stood by and watched. Her fucking twin brother. Stood there and watched his best friend insult his sister to no end.

Mia had no idea where she was running to but she found herself in front of the Brown Barrels, the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Evelyn Pip jumped out to embrace her shaking best friend.

Evelyn pulled Mia through the yellow common room and up the stairs into her dormitory. She positioned Mia onto the bed and wrapped her up into a honey yellow knitted blanket. Mia began sobbing loudly into Evelyn's chest. So Evelyn Pip tried desperately to hold together the crumbling pieces of her best friend. This is what true pain felt like. Raw. Unfiltered. Pain.

Mia was empty.

All the colours that her and James had painted had disappeared.

Love was power. But it causes the most pain.

Ummmm...okay so that happened.
I really had to do this because I felt like Mia and James relationship was going way to fast and I needed to slow it right down!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment your thoughts please!

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