Chapter 42.

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The pure bliss of eternal freedom that the group of 8 teens had felt was soon whisked away once more as they entered the confines of the Gryffindor common room.

However, Mia was rather distracted by two horrific pains radiating through her body.

Another migraine was shattering her brain, or so it felt like.

And an oddly uncomfortable cramp was causing upset in her lower stomach.

The migraine she could brush off as that stupid reoccurring headache and foreign whispering but the belly ache was a little unsettling.

"Can we head up to bed?" She said quietly to James.

James simply nodded and led her back out of the scarlet room of despair and towards the private dormitories he shared with Lily.

Mia had a permanent wince etched on her features as they walked, both pains had intensified ten fold.

Then the whispering began.

As she tried to ignore the words and push them out, a strike of burning hot agony flared through her head making her whimper.

"Mimi?" James said with waves of concern lacing his tone.

Mia simply cringed further against him as the words were practically screaming into her inner mind.

Respice ad Animum.

"L-library." Is all she managed to whisper.

"What? What do you mean? Why? The library?" James rambled.

"J-just take me to the library." She croaked out.

James assisted her in walking straight to the library evading any run ins with Filch.

Mia had no idea what she was thinking but the pain began to dull down in her head slightly as they entered the room of books.

As she calmed down a little, her eyes began to water. She was so confused. So sad. So tired.

She was so unbelievably fed up of her life always veering of the path and ending up going downhill.

Tears began slipping down a salty path on her soft cheeks.

"Hey hey. What's going on?" James asked softly as he gripped her arms.

"W-when R-Reggie..." she began but was cut of by a short sob.

"Take your time." He said gently as he smoothed down her hair.

They sat down at a table and James stroked his girlfriends back in an attempt to comfort her.

After a couple of minutes she knew it was time to come completely clean. It was James after all, she could trust him with anything.

"When Reggie got marked..." She let everything out. Every single little detail of that fateful moment when her little brother chose the wrong side. Every single detail of the curse that was thrown at her. And she didn't spare a single part of how worried she was about the headaches and whispers she was experiencing.

James listened intently. Of course he was worried but there was a small niggling voice in his head that was screaming with happiness. Because she trusted him. Of course, they trusted each other to some extent, but Mia had never truly let herself go like she just had. She had always contained a tiny chunk of her heart and kept it for herself. And right now it felt like she had just given him the key to it.

"Respice ad Animum?" He questioned.

"Yes." She confirmed with a sigh.

"Why?" She was a little confused if not concerned at the face James was making.

"I've heard that somewhere before." He said as he scratched his head thinking deeply.

Those three words. He knew they weren't good words. But he knew they were Latin. And he knew he'd heard them or maybe read them somewhere before.

He jumped up and begun pacing as if it would trigger something in his brain.

He kept muttering the words.

This felt to him like a quest. He had to complete it to prove his worth to his love.

Then out of nowhere a spark went off in his brain.

"Respice ad Animum!" He shouted.

"James keep it down!" Mia whisper yelled.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

"I know where I've heard those words before."

He hopped over to the restricted section and deftly scanned the shelf for a specific book. His eyes lit up as he found the required spell book.

The tea stained pages wear bound to a red leather coat with golden string.

James avidly flicked through the pages searching intensely for something.

He slammed the book open as soon as his eyes met the page where the words were plastered across the top.

James briefly read over the words and spell meaning.

But the way he looked at Mia afterwards made her heart drop.

It was a pitying look. A guilty look. As if she was on deathbed.

"What? What is it? What wrong?" She asked alarmed. The look of sadness and partially fear in his  usually bright eyes was bringing immense anxiety to the girl.

James glanced back down at the page and began reciting it solemnly.

"Respice ad Animum. Translation of Latin vocabulary. When conjugated into the standard English language it reads 'Look into the mind'. The caster of such a spell as this would hold immense power due to it's sheer level of difficulty. The sinister origins of this branch of sorcery are lesser heard of and are  rare to be seen in the modern wizarding world. Once charmed with this magic, the recipient shall slowly notice their magical abilities receding until all sorcerous traces are gone. Essentially, the result of such a spell being cast transpires one wizards magic unto another. As a result, one of the parties shall be left without magic whilst the other gains it."

James stopped.

He looked up at Mia to see her face had gone blank.

This couldn't be happening.

She had her whole life ahead of her.

She was going to become a mediwitch. She was going to travel the wizarding world with James.
She was going to marry James. She was going to have children with James. She was going to fight the war with James.

Or maybe she wasn't.

Maybe her choices were pointless as she was already a disposable body for Lord Voldemort to use.

She was losing her magic.

HEY BESTIES ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! I'm so sorry but a plot twist like this had to be done. Because this is majorly steering off headcanons and the actual HP plot now, pleaseeee let me know if you like it! Hope you enjoyed and look after your self guys!
Love you all ❤️

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