Chapter 29.

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Severus Snape.

Severus fucking Snape.

The greasy haired boy was about to find out a secret that could utterly destroy Remus Lupin's life if spread around.

He curiously stuck his head through the door of the shrieking shack smiling in anticipation.

The joyous anticipation that radiates of him was a stark contrast to the boy stood outside with grief and regret weighing down his shoulders.

Sirius stood back and watched outside the entrance. When people say they wish they could turn back time, this is exactly what they meant. He would give anything to take back what he said. He wished that he could undo the things had just done. He had never prayed so hard that the Slytherin boy would get scared and come running back out in a second. There was no word strong enough to depict the feeling that was floating around his stomach but guilt. Pure guilt.

He had just endangered his best friends. His family. And now he could do nothing but watch. His feet felt like they weighed a ton as he tried to move forward but couldn't.

Severus tentatively walked in. But what he laid eyes on made his heart drop to the floor. Fear was shining out of his eyes. The white terror an odd contrast to the deep brown. He wasn't sure why though, he knew that Remus Lupin was a werewolf before he had entered the shack. But no one could prepare for the murderous look that pierced the air from the creatures eyes. There was no hint of the soft boy that lay beneath. All traces of the teenager who folds his socks were gone.

This wasn't Remus Lupin.

This was a monster.

The werewolf leapt forward before the stag or eagle could react. It swiped a claw for the black-haired boy and cut a deep wound into his stomach. Blood seeped out and dribbled onto the floor as he crumpled. The animal would have struck again if it wasn't for the eagle digging its talons into it's shoulder. The wolf howled in pain as a stinging sensation erupted for the puncture marks.

But the rippling rage was still burning through him. It was as though an impulse was telling his to destroy everything. And the more that the stag and the eagle got in his way, the more the retched rat tripped him up and caused him to stumble, the greater the fire of anger became and singed his heart.

James used his antlers once again to barge the wolf back. But Mia lost her grip on Remus's shoulder and landed painfully on her side. The girl had quite a high pain tolerance due to
the trauma she suffered from her parents, but this was a different type of pain. It felt as though her lung was collapsing, her ribs felt completely broken. She let out a tremendous screech, the echo bounced of the walls and disappeared into the night. The pure agony in the call brought tears to James's eyes. But he couldn't tend to her. He needed to keep Remus away from the two injured. But he couldn't hold Remus off for long.

With Severus bleeding out rapidly on the floor, and Mia rolling around in an attempt to reduce the torturous suffering she was in, James knew he was in trouble. For one of the first times in his 17 years, he was scared. Truly terrified of what may happen. Because he didn't know what to do.

He certainly never would've imagined the person who had caused this catastrophe would be the person to fix it. But of course, James was still completely oblivious to the fact it was his best friend, his brother, who was the reason for this ghastly situation. And that was probably for the best. Because the way that James would react to this news when dawn broke, would drastically alter Sirius Black's life.

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