Chapter 55.

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"I've told you many times Mr Potter. She will wake up soon, when her body is healed and rejuvenated enough to accommodate to its lack of magic." Madam Pomfrey scolded James.

"But Poppy-" The Gryffindor whined.

Madam Pomfrey held up her hand to silence the boy.

"No buts Mr Potter. Visiting hours are over soon, you may return in the morning."

James frowned at having to leave his girlfriend's side for the night. It pained him to not be near her.

The nurse seemed to sense his genuine discomfort and lay a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"For what it's worth my boy, I believe you'll be up to mischief with Miss Black again in no time."

James smiled sweetly at the older woman. He was thankful to know that Mia was in such good hands when he wasn't around to look out for her.

He kissed Mia's forehead and exited the hospital wing.

When he got to the Gryffindor tower he nodded to his friends in the common room before jumping up the stairs.

Just as his hand was about to open the Marauders dorm, he paused. Leaning his ear closer to the door.

"Remus. K-keep going." A deep voice moaned.

"Oh p-please." More moans spilled from someone inside the dorms mouth.

James smiled mischievously jumping at the chance to interfere with Remus's sex life.

He burst through the door but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a head of black hair thrown back in pleasure.

Sirius Black seemed to be the mystery moaning man.

Of course everyone at Hogwarts knew something was going on between the book worm and the troublemaker but they were by no means exclusive.

Well they certainly were now.

Remus swiftly emerged from his space between Sirius's legs and his mouth hang agape as he locked eyes with James.

"PRONGS GET OUT!" Sirius said with sheer embarrassment lacing his tone.

Sirius grabbed one pillow to protect his modesty and reached for another to launch at the pesky teenage boy laughing hysterically at his two best mates.

"I knew it! Pete you owe me 10 galleons!" James shouted down the stairs.

The Potter boy bounded back down the stairs and held his hand out to Peter Pettigrew expecting him to place the owed money.

"What do you mean?" He questioned tiredly.

Everyone peered at the meek boy curiously. He hadn't been himself lately.

"Just caught Moony and Pads shagging so hand over the dough." He announced cheekily.

Marlene and Fabian high-fived over Lily.

"We fucking knew it." Fabian shouted through laughter earning several looks from 1st and 2nd years.

Lily slapped her boyfriend for his foul language.

"Prewett there are kids in here." She reprimanded him.

"I was joking when I made that bet with you James. I didn't actually think our best mates were gay." Peter said with mild disgust.

James frowned as anger boiled in his blood but he decided to leave it at that it wasn't his place to start an argument about something when Peter had hardly really given a reason to.

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