Chapter 60.

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The crew were gathered in the safe comfort of the Gryffindor common room.

Regulus Black and Evelyn Pip sat side by side knees barely brushing against each other, but close enough to send a message to everyone else that their relationship was knitting itself back together.

Mia's head was resting on James chest as she sprawled her legs across Sirius's lap. James's hand clasped hers to try and calm her shaking.

"I've been owling Walburga and Orion about the Easter holidays." He began.

Mia tensed. She had come to the conclusion fairly certainly that she could not go back to Grimmauld place. Meaning she felt extremely unsure about where her current home was.

"There is a meeting with Voldemort on the first Monday of the holidays. I've also spoken to Dumbledore and Moody, they're skeptical about my safety now that I'm a double agent of sorts but I'll do everything I can to help." He shot a comforting smile at his sister.

"So what exactly is the plan to actually get Moldy's wand?" Gideon asked.

"It's fairly straightforward. I'll go home as normal, suck up to the rats we call parents to get them in a semi good mood. Then I'll sit through the meeting when it comes round. At the end I'll request to speak to Voldemort privately- pretend I've got news on Mia. When we're alone I'll cast a body binding spell on him, grab his wand and apparate to Ottery St Mary. My broom is in a park there. Once I'm there and I know that no one's followed me, I'll fly to Ottery St Catchpole to Molly and Arthur Weasleys home. Dumbledore will be there and we can figure the rest out then." He said with calculated precision.

"Alastor Moody is teaching me Occlumency and non verbal magic. That way this plan is fullproof and in theory nothing can go wrong."

The room was silent other than the warm crackle of the fire.

There were so many variables in the plan. So many risks. And yes it was worth it. But it didn't make anyone less uneasy.

"How is Dumbledore even sure that this counter curse will actually work? How does he know?" Fabian questioned.

"Yeah, for all we know, he found it in some crusty old book that hasn't seen the light of day since 1736." Gideon added.

"Just trust him alright." James murmured.

"Why? Why should we trust him Potter. Because that git has done nothing for our best friend whilst she's been left magicless, fucking magicless. So tell us, enlighten us. Why should we trust some stale old man who was mediocre at magic tricks in his twenties." Marlene growled.

"Shut it McKinnon you don't know shit." James said venomously.

"Then tell me shit you fucking imbecile." She yelled.

James practically threw Mia off his lap so he could stand in front of everyone.

"Because when that stale old man was in his twenties, Gellert Grindelwald stole his magic. And this is the fucking spell that got it back." He spat out.

The entirety of the group of teenagers were silenced.


Mouths hung open.

Cogs turned in each of their brains.

Shock. Utter fucking shock.

"What the fuck." Sirius said quietly.

"Now you have some fucking explaining to do James Fleamont Potter." Mia reprimanded.

He sat down on the arm of the sofa Mia was on with her twin and Remus.

He let out a large sigh and ran his hands over his face.

"You all know the shit about Grindelwald and Dumbledore. Or well you kind of do. You know the story that everyone wants you to know." Jame began.

They all looked at him as if he'd grown a second head. The tale of Grindelwald and Dumbledore was one they'd grown up hearing. It was of course the first wizarding war. And the fact that James seemed to think that they didn't know each and every detail inside out was kind boggling because they almost every one of them had had bedtime story after bedtime story based upon that of Gellert and Albus.

Mia put her hand on James's bicep to calm him. She smiled at him encouragingly so he began.

"When Gellert turned 21, he sort of began losing his obsession with the deathly hallows. He decided that he didn't actually care how he became the most powerful wizard in the world, only that he eventually became him.

When Grindelwald stole the elder wand form Gregorovich, he also stole Mykew Gregorovich's most prized possession.

His spell book.

Every spell he had seen, heard or cast. You can imagine the extent of it considering he was in possession of the most powerful wand to ever exist.

Grindelwald secretly poured over the book all the while keeping up his facade with Dumbledore.

After years of altering and perfecting the book. Gellert decided he could finally trial one of the spells. He called it potestas mortis, which means death by power. To mock those he cast it upon. Because whilst they wouldn't die, any magic ability they had would. Whilst he grew stronger.

The spell which we're all now very familiar with, takes the magic of a witch or wizard and transfers it to whom cast the spell. Therefore making them gain extensive magic.

We were all told that Grindelwald and Dumbledore broke their blood pact in 1945. That Dumbledore defeated him once and for all in Godrics Hollow 45 years after their first duel that killed Dumbledore's sister.

But that's not true.

Gellert Grindelwald broke their blood pact by stealing his magic. He used the elder wand and cast the spell on Albus in his own home.

Dumbledore was left defenceless.

But Merlin must have been watching over him because Dumbledore's brother Aberforth was visiting their sisters grave that night. And after seeing something happening inside his childhood home, he went to investigate. After grasping the situation, Aberforth forgot about his hate for his brother and began duelling Grindelwald to protect Dumbledore.

Aberforth disarmed him, which then meant that he was the rightful owner of the elder wand. After this Gellert Grindelwald was imprisoned in Nurmengard prison. It took the Dumbledore brothers the best part of a year to locate the spell book Grindelwald stole from Gregorovich. And when they found it, Aberforth immediately cast the counter curse on his brother and returned his magic.

Then Albus Dumbledore did something really fucking stupid. He turned on his brother. He just couldn't forget his old obsession. All he could think about was how his brother had the elder wand.

So Albus grabbed his mediocre 11" dragon heartstring birch wood wand and disarmed his brother whilst his back was turned. And that's how Albus fucking Dumbledore became the owner of the elder wand."

Silence. More fucking silence.

"Fucking shit." Lily whispered.

"Albus Dumbledore betrayed his only family, and covered up the harmful truth so he could continue to live his life in the comfort of the world thinking he was a hero." James ended.

"So that McKinnon, is why we should trust Albus Dumbledore on this. Because yes he's a shitty person and I wouldn't trust him with anything else but I think he's had enough fucking experience with it to help us."

And so the truth about Mr Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was finally out.

Basically I don't know where I'm fucking going with this plot line and it makes no sense and I'm so sorry that it's so shitty 💪 When I was writing this I really thought I did something with the whole Grindelwald thing but now reading it back I must've been high or something but I cba to write anything else so we're gonna role with it. Anyways I love you guys. ❤️

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