Chapter 45.

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Here's the thing about grief, its so unbelievably heavy, that when the sheer weight of it is bearing down on your shoulders, all other things seem to disappear.

The world becomes invisible and you plunge into a life of colourlessness. Everything drained of joy. Your chest has a certain tightness to it, just subtly reminding you that your missing someone.

And when your entire being is so wholly absorbed in being broken, you don't notice seemingly obvious things.

You don't notice the quiet sniffling from the other side of the door.

You don't notice the rattle of the handle as someone enters the room.

You don't even notice when someone stands with their heart shattering before you.

Because your too consumed in your own pain to notice anyone else's. It may sound selfish but it's true.

You will shrink into a vortex of absolute struggle. Lost. You will be lost.

But then it'll hit you. Everyone else's anger and suffering and misery will suddenly collapse onto you.

You will drown in a storm of emotions. The feelings to strong for you to break the surface and breathe.

It will slap you in the face like a harsh gust of wind on a cold day.

And when it does, nothing will ever be the same again.

Because one person cannot hold up the whole world.

"W-what the fuck!" A feeble voice shouted.

Mia's head whipped up as her teary eyes met those of Evelyn Pip.

James, Sirius and Remus also looked up to see the heartbroken hufflepuff staring accusingly at Mia.

"When the fuck were you planning to tell me?" She screamed with a soul crushing sob.

The words tumbling through her head that Mia had spoken mere moments beforehand.

"There was nothing I could do Sirius. H-he just pointed his w-wand at Reggie's arm and t-then it was there. T-that mark. The dark mark." Mia said through tears.

But no one had noticed the stifled and strangled cries coming from beyond the thin oak door. The calls of despair leaving Evelyn Pip's mouth, muffled by her hand pressed harshly to her skin in an attempt to drown out the melancholy song of her soul dying.

Her heart was tearing in two and there was nothing anyone could do.

Her entire being was yearning for Regulus Black. But Regulus Black was not the messy haired boy she knew.

The boy she loved was gone.

He had succumbed to the darkness.

He had been marked by death.

The love she thought he held for her was clearly not enough to stop him from giving in.

She was not enough for him.

But then again, Evelyn Pip thought she was never enough for anyone.

She couldn't see past her agony to even think that maybe the boy was without a choice.

She was so blinded by betrayal that she her mind wouldn't even process the loneliness that Regulus Black must be feeling.

Her heart was burning. Crumbling. Dying. And the pain was so intense that her thoughts were jumbled with only one thing clear.

She was fucking angry.

"Evie-" Mia chocked out but was interrupted once more.

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare try to defend yourself." She screamed.

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