Chapter 11.

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All the words in the dictionary that meant the same thing. Pain. Would never be enough to describe the complete and utter stinging ache that threatened to consume Mia Estella Walburga Black's entire being.

It felt like a black smoky cloud had erupted in her chest and slowly spread like a determined weed throughout her body. Until the only colour left was Black. For James Potter, the very boy who splashed colourful paint on the blank canvas that was her life, had stripped it clean, once again.

Her entire world had come crumbling down. And for what? She couldn't even understand why she felt like someone was ripping apart her heart and burning it in front of her. James Potter wasn't even her boyfriend. But maybe that was just it. Maybe it was because he wasn't her boyfriend, was why she was feeling like this.

It may also be to do with the fact that he utterly humiliated her in-front of all her friends and betrayed her trust and said some incredibly hurtful things about her. But who knows?

As Mia opened her eyes, she instantly regretted it. Her eyelids were stuck to her lashes- sticky from the salty tears that had clearly been coating them at regular intervals for the last 12 hours.

She rubbed her eyes and winced at how much it hurt to touch her sensitive face. Her head felt like it was packed with cotton balls. Everything was fuzzy. To be honest, she felt like she'd been beaten up, hit in the head with a bludger and then been run over by the Night bus. Repeatedly.

But the blaring light of the sun streaming through the yellow dorm made her head ache worse than her heart. Which was a lot.

She looked around and instantly regretted it, the sudden movement had caused her head to feel light and she groaned in pain as her eyes stung.

Her whining had woken up Evelyn. Something you should never do.

"I swear to fucking merlin, if you don't shut the fuck up, right now. I will bloody hex your ass into the next fucking century." Evelyn grumbled whilst reaching out for a pillow to throw at the source of the noise.

"Evelyn?" Mia questioned hazily.

Evelyn's eyes shot open as she recalled the events of yesterday evening.

"Oh Mimi, I'm so sorry sweetie. Um, just forget anything I just said. I promise not to hex you. How are you feeling? Do you want me to beat Potters ass for you? Or do you want me to hold him back while you do it? Oh jeez, you know what we should do, we should prank hi-" Evelyn rambled but was cut off by Mia's gravelly voice.

"I'm fine Pipsqueak." Mia said plainly.

The only thing that her parents had ever taught her, was to never show emotion. And last night Mia had definitely not masked her emotions. Instead she had let the floodgate open, she let Evelyn see her vulnerable. And something about that unnerved Mia.

"Look, thank you Evie, I love you so much. I just really need to be alone for a bit. I'm gonna head back to my dorm. If anyone asks, I'm horrendously ill with an infectious disease so tell everyone to stay far far away from me." Mia breathed out as she gathered some blankets and began to leave Evelyn's dorm.

Mia had already shuffled out before Evelyn had any chance to protest. Mia ran faster than she ever had done in her life. Even faster than when she chased Sirius around the Quidditch pitch because he slipped her polyjuice potion to make her identical to Severus Snape. She wanted to avoid any humankind and wanted to reduce the chance  of seeing any of the Marauders.

Mia entered the Slytherin common to find it mostly empty, so she quietly padded up the stairs seeing no reason to make herself suffer by running more.

She shoved open her door, and did not expect to see a freckle faced boy sat on her four poster bed.

He looked up and smirked to lighten the mood.

"If you feel as bad as you look, which is shit by the way,then you need a nice, warm hug from your favourite ol'  ginge." He said laughing. Mia giggled lightheartedly and  slipped into his embrace.

"But seriously, how are you?" He questioned.

Mia couldn't stop the truth from slipping out.

"Shit." She said laughing threw the tears.

Fabian wiped her eyes gently. Then he began stroking her hair in a comforting manner. Mia felt a warm fuzzy feeling erupt in her chest. It was a welcome change from the cold emptiness that resided there before.

She smiled slightly knowing how Fabian had gone out his way to get into the Slytherin dorms just to be there for her. Even more so that he seems to just know exactly what she needed.

Mia thought that Fabian gave the most addicting hugs but she tried to also be aware of how fast their bond seemed to be progressing. She trusted Fabian and felt brilliant when he was around but she was always be wary of forming relationships.

Sending Mia's seemingly racing thoughts Fabian tried to soothe her.

"Mia." Fabian said gently as though she was a shard of thin ice waiting to be stepped on.

"I know you don't just manipulate people's feelings by confiding in them. I know that it actually takes a lot for you open up. And I want you to know that it's okay you haven't opened up to me yet. Because when your ready, if that's tomorrow or in 3 months or even in 5 years, I'll be here waiting Mia." Because I've already been waiting years. Is what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell her exactly how enthralled he was by her. How beautiful he thought she was. How he had had the biggest crush on her since 3rd year so being sat on her bed cuddling seemed very surreal. But he didn't. She didn't need to be told that.

Mia felt more tears drip down her face.

Fabian Prewett had read Mia Black like an open book. But had he captured her heart in the process?

He hugged Mia to his chest and rubbed circles down her back as he whispered in her ear.

"It's okay not to be okay."

Well hello there.
If there is any major typos it's because I wrote this on my crappy ipad which seems to have a life of its own.
Please let me know what you thought and thanks for reading!

Wild Hearts ✮ James Potter Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя