Chapter 3.

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Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. A school. A castle. But for Mia Estella Walburga Black, Hogwarts was her home.

So as she gazed up at the stone turrets, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth. All her fears melted away as she looked around at the starlit sky. She had never felt more at peace. She relaxed her muscles and took a minute to breath in the fresh Scottish air. This was freedom at its finest.

However, as Hagrid's bellowing voice tore through the platform she was ripped away from her thoughts. Evelyn tugged on her arm and steered her towards the castle carriages.

After all the hustle and bustle of getting back to the castle and dropping of the trunks, Mia was sat at the Slytherin table staring aimlessly around. It was moments like these when she felt most out of place. She didn't have many friends. But the ones she did have were sat at the tables draped in red and yellow or badger clad.

And at this particular welcoming feast, she couldn't even look at Sirius let alone throw messages across to him. She was still infuriated by him. How dare he leave her. How dare he act like he did nothing wrong. Mia couldn't even bring herself to be relieved that he was okay. She was blinded by rage. She felt abandoned. So when Lucius Malloy snickered to his cronies and called out to her she didn't hesitate to hex him.

"Oi Black, is it true your blood traitor twin got kicked out over summer?"

"What's it to you Malfoy?" She grumbled.

"Nothing at all Mia. Just wondering when I can expect you to be following him? I'd like front row seats of when your parents finally put you in your place." He spoke smugly.

Mia's vision flashed angry red like a fire being doused in petrol. She plucked her wand from her pocket at pointed it threateningly at Lucius.

"Densaugeo." She muttered under her breath.

"AHHHHHHH" Lucius suddenly screamed. The entire great hall silenced and turned to look at the screaming boy. His teeth had began growing at an alarming rate. Laughter erupted from every crevice of the hall as the Malfoy boy began panicking even more. However, it stopped abruptly when Professor McGonagall sauntered over and with a brisk wave of her wand, his teeth returned to there normal state.

"Oh do stop making such a fuss Mr Malfoy." McGonagall spoke sternly.

Mia made eye contact with Evelyn across the hall and smiled subtly. Indicating that she was the culprit. She pointedly ignored looking at her brother who she knew would be smiling wildly.

However, it seemed that her cousin Narcissa Black had caught her secret confirmation with the Pip girl.

"You little bitch!" She screeched at Mia.

"Who me?" Mia feigned innocence. Narcissa looked as though she was about to continue her insults but was cut short by Dumbledore announcing the end of the feast and time for bed. The screech of the bench on the stone floor hurt Mia's ears as she quickly hurried out the doors to begin her descent into the gloomy dungeons.

She loved walking the halls of Hogwarts at night. It was so peaceful. So calm. What she did not like was being left alone with her own mind. Left by herself to deal with the doubting and painful thoughts that her mind created.

Out of nowhere, a warm hand clamped around her waist and pulled her into one of the corridor alcoves. Mia panicked and began to resist but stopped when she met the hazel eyes she loved so dearly.

James Fleamont Potter.

"Hello to you too Echo." James chuckled. After realising his hand was lingering on her waist he withdrew it quickly and cleared his throat.

"What do you want Prongs." She said tiredly. She knew that James would be siding with Sirius.

"I came to see if you were ok Mia."

A light silence ensued.

"I know Sirius is being a git but i'm still here for you." He confirmed.

Mia smiled gratefully at the boy. Heart swelling with warmth as she knew that at least someone would be there to listen to her.

"Look I know it might seem like Sirius is just twatting about but he spent most of summer worrying about you so I guess he's just gutted your mad at him. But I agree with you. I think he should of written to you." James continued. Mia's mouth hung agape slightly. James Potter agreed with her? She so wished that Sirius was there just so she could rub it in his face.

"I know I shouldn't have snapped at him. But it's gonna take a bit of getting used to. Before he ran away there wasn't a day that went by when I didn't see him. And now we're gonna be apart for every single holiday. It's not right James." She let out. He was supposed to wait for me. Is what she so desperately wanted to whisper.

However, she was still confused as to why her heart was thinking so erratically in her chest. Her and James were very close and she knew he was always there for her. The pair were often hugging or holding hands. But Mia like this side of James. The honest and raw side. It made her feel safe. James felt safe.

One thing she had to admit. She did have a very minuscule crush on him. What's not to like. He's practically a God. But he was Sirius's best friend and right now Sirius needed him more than she did.

"Thank you for coming to check on me. But I'm fine. You should get back to Sirius, he's probably wondering where you are." Mia deadpanned. She couldn't allow herself to show any emotion now. She revealed to much already.

"Goodnight Potter."

Goodnight Echo."

Mia smiled slightly to herself as she wondered down to the Slytherin common room and up into her dorm. Sinking into the mattress she slipped into a deep sleep. For the first time in months she was excited to wake up.

She was home.

Hey guys, bit of a filler but also a glimpse into Mia and James' relationship so far. Like always let me know if there is anything you want to see and please comment if your enjoying the book so far!

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