Chapter 21.

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had never been more abuzz with chatter and whispers of the Quidditch game that was to commence in a few hours.

However, the Marauders were sat in the dorm very badly attempting to sike up a trembling James Potter.

"Come on Prongsie, you've got this." Peter said as he leaned out for a fist pump, only to be rejected by James and earning a scowl instead.

Sirius and Remus stood either side of him and brushed off his shoulders and straightened out his Scarlett Quidditch robes.

"Go out there and smash it Prongsie boy!" Sirius said as he uncapped his hip flask and handed it to James.

"One swig for good luck eh?" James chuckled and took a very large swig of fire whisky.

"Right lads. As thrilling as it is to watch you lot doing 'brotherly love' or whatever you call it. I'm sure that Prongs doesn't want to be late for his first Quidditch match, so get your arses to the stands now." Mia commanded from the doorway.

The boys skittered out the room, eager to leave the awkward environment.

James was nervously pacing around so much so that Mia thought he would wear out the floorboards.

"Hey, James calm down." She said soothingly as she stood in front of him.

James looked down. And it was as if the rich blue of Mia's eyes had brought a tsunami of serenity to wash over the two. But even so, he couldn't shake the worry from his bones.

Mia plucked something out of her pocket whilst maintaining eye contact with James.

"Er, I know this is cheesy as fuck but I got you something. You know like a good luck charm."

Mia grabbed James hand and ignored the tingling sensation that erupted. She uncurled his hand so his palm was faced upright and dropped a small but vibrantly green four-leaved clover in his hand.

"Before you say anything, yes I did sit on the ground for hours searching for this and I got Remus to put this charm on it so it stays alive." She said as she mumbled nervously.

James just stared at the small plant in his hand and let a single tear drip from his eye.

"Thank you." He whispered before encasing her in a bone-crushing hug.

Mia took that as a way of saying he liked it.

"Right, well enough of this sappiness, we need to get you down to the pitch." She said as she contained her own tears. The look of gratefulness on his face was enough to make her sob.

So yet again Mia and James walked hand in hand through the corridors as they made their way down to the Quidditch pitch.

"Right so remember, reverse passing is vital James. The Ravenclaws are smart, you know that, it's all about tricking them. The Prewetts have been practicing the Bludger Backbeat so that's them sorted. And Marlene and Dorcas have absolutely perfected the Woollongshong Shimmy. Sirius has always been perfect at double eight loops so you don't have to worry about that. But I'm not sure about the seeker James. That Marina girl has not had her head in the game at practice, I mean do you not see her drooling over you. She can't be properly focused. If she loses this game for the team then-" Mia rambled to James but was suddenly cut off when he kissed her cheek.

"Breathe Mia." He said while laughing.

"You've basically been practicing quidditch and playing tactics more that the actual team, I'm sure we'll win, and if we don't then I'm slightly terrified of what your gonna do to the Ravenclaw captain." He say chuckling.

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