Chapter 16.

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TW: Panic Attack

"Well, Mr Potter, Miss Black?" Slughorn began questioning.

Mia was well and truly done for now. She couldn't think of a single thing to say. She was praying with everything in her that James would know how serious a situation like this could be for Mia. But alas, he well and truly threw her under the bus.

"Well....I'm waiting." Slughorn said growing slightly impatient.

"Well Professor, I think you should be asking Mia where exactly our work is. Considering after our last study session she was the one who kept all of our notes." James said smugly knowing he'd avoided any trouble for himself.

"I see James. So Miss Black. Would you care to explain the whereabouts of your assignment?" Slughorn said.

Mia knew she was in for it now.

"Um, well, er...." she stuttered. The whole class began giggling foolishly. Obviously the Gryffindors were all supporting Lily after the incident so now they were practically jumping out of their seats at the thought of Mia getting in trouble.

Mia on the other hand was incredibly panicked. She hated that everyone was looking at her.

"I don't have it." Mia whispered.

"Speak up girl!" Slughorn shouted growing annoyed.

Mia jumped gaining more giggles from the class. She hated when people shouted at her. It reminded her of Grimmauld Place. She felt her cheeks flush with deep embarrassment. And her bottom lip trembled. She was already in such a fragile state. She really didn't need any unnecessary stress at the moment.

"I don't have it with me Professor Slughorn." Mia said more clearly. Even though inside she was screaming.

"NOT GOOD ENOUGH." He yelled, causing all laughter to cease and tears to well up in Mia's eyes from fear. Slughorn never shouted. He was an odd man who seemed to often have his head in the clouds. But clearly he was having a bad day and Mia Black seemed to be his punching bag.

"This is 7th year. This is not good enough! Do you wish to fail? Do you wish to become nothing? Because that is exactly where your heading Miss Black! Your not the brightest of sparks so if you don't put the work in then you are going nowhere. You are a disgrace to the house of Slytherin!" Slughorn bellowed causing Mia's tears to almost fall.

She felt humiliated.

He had voiced the thing she feared most.

Her breathing became erratic. Chest constricting. Heart booming. She bit the inside of her cheek so hard it began to bleed. Her hand were shaking so hard that she he to hide them under the desk.

Slughorn went back to the front of class with a large huff. He seemed to have let go of his anger on Mia.

Her throat felt raw after trying to hold back all of her tears. It ached terribly as she tried to swallow the lump residing in it. Her breathing became heavier and heavier. Her airway felt tight and she was struggling to gain any oxygen. She could feel her heartbeat sounding in her ears. Her breathing was now hyperventilation.

"Could you shut it." James whispered annoyed. He did feel slightly guilty but at the same he felt satisfaction.

Mia made a small whimpering noise as her chest felt incredibly painful.

"Fucking hell Black. I said shut it."

But then he turned his head to look at her. He took in the fear in her eyes to the sweat collecting on her brow. She was clutching her chest and pulling her shirt away from it as if it was to tight.

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