Chapter 17.

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After Mia and the Marauders had reconciled, it became more apparent to the school that Mia Black was not in fact a bully that spread vile rumours for fun. She was actually a very nice girl.

However, Mia could not just magically forget what had happened with James. He had hurt her. A lot. And she knew that now she would find it even more hard to open up to people.

And yes, she did really like him. But anyone with a shred of self respect wouldn't just get over what happened with a snap of their fingers. Mia and James would have to slowly ease back into their friendship. So Mia came up with an idea that would mutually benefit them both as well as letting them spend time together.

She called it: Buddy Bonding Time.

Mia was quite proud of that name.

Every couple of days, she and James would alternate spending time doing Quidditch and Mia's favourite past time- reading.

She had already prepared by purchasing two copies of all her favourite books for her and James to read. But she was quite nervous about the whole situation. Because she was hoping these sessions would lead to her and James being something more that friends. But she knew James would never want that.

This Friday would be the first Buddy Bonding session. And James had begged Mia to spend it playing Quidditch. After a good hour of his nagging, Mia agreed.

But by the time Friday evening had come round. Mia was seriously on edge. She had no clue why? It was just going to be her and James playing quidditch, like they did all the time.

But there was this small voice in her head reminding her that she wasn't good enough for him. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't shake the memories of him shouting at her. The way he just watched as Lily kicked and slapped her.

But it seemed to be that whatever James Fleamont Potter did, Mia would always love him.

She paced around her room as Evelyn stared at her. The Hufflepuff had laid out appropriate quidditch attire on her bed and was now picking at her nails whilst her love struck friend was panicking.

"Can you just put the bloody outfit on now please?" Evelyn sighed.

Mia turned around and glared. But went in the bathroom to change none the less.

She liked the outfit quite a lot. Plain black leggings and a large hoodie. It was very comfortable and hid her figure which she saw as a bonus.

She emerged from the bathroom and slid on her battered converses.

"Right. Now off you go to make Potter fall head over heels in love with you. Oh wait! He already is." Evelyn said sarcastically. She was so tired and in the nicest way possible, couldn't wait for Mia to leave so she could fall asleep.

"Bye Pipsqueak." Mia said as she ruffled Evelyn's hair.

As Mia made her way to the common room for she was met with a nervous looking James Potter.

"Hey." She said shyly.

"Hi." He said in an equally as awkward tone.

The truth was, both teens were thinking the exact same thing. They both loved each other and believed they weren't good enough for the other to reciprocate the feelings.

You would think this was quite a simple problem to solve, right?


Mia Black was dead set on believing she was too ugly for James to ever give her a second glance. And that she came with to much baggage for anyone to ever love her.

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