Chapter 30.

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As the dawning sun rose over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it bought in its wake, a flurry of rage and betrayal.

James Potter had never had such flaming hot anger pumping through him. He left the hospital wing after sitting by Mia's side all night. His eyes were painfully dry after shedding mountains of salty tears over the contorted face of pain on his girlfriends face. He had never seen her so vulnerable. Mia had several broken ribs and a punctured lung. If she hadn't been brought to Madam Pomfrey sooner, it would have been bad news but of course the nurse had done everything in her power to reassure him. The kind lady had fixed her up efficiently and she only had to stay until the morning.

Snape was sat in the corner watching them with a satisfied smirk adorning his features. He had told the Potter boy exactly what happened and to say James was infuriated was an understatement. He didn't want to believe Severus Snape of all people, But he had to contain it until he confronted Sirius.

He was determined not to give the greasy haired boy the satisfaction of knowing that his friendship was imminently breaking. He sunk his face into a calm demeanour and rushed out of the hospital wing towards the shrieking shack knowing that Remus would have turned back now.

He stormed through the entrance but stopped so quickly that a scuffing sound erupted in the shack.

He looked down to see Remus and Sirius cuddled up on the floor.

They both began to stir as James's heavy breathing had broken their slumber.

Two pairs of eyes squinted open and visually recoiled at the fresh morning light.

The couple who lay on the floor felt light and airy for a few moments as they stared at each other contently, but then as their minds adjusted and recalled the events of the fateful night before, a sheet of sadness and disappointment settled in their stomachs.

Before anyone could even say anything, James wrenched Sirius up from the floor and shoved him against the wall. His fists were curled into Sirius's shirt aggressively and the Black boy could practically smell the rage radiating of him.

James clenched his teeth as he gazed at Sirius with pure seething betrayal.

Remus quickly collected himself and stood up from the floor, he leaned heavily on the wall still needing support after the full moon.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD." James yelled.

James Potter was not one to get angry. Sure he got irritated and annoyed, maybe disappointed all the time. But he was very rarely angry.

But oh boy. James Potter had never in his entire life felt so much hatred for one person

His anger was so blinding that the thought of Sirius being his best friend never once crossed his mind. All he could hear was Mia's whimpers as she rolled around in pain. Remus's howls as he hollered in frustration at the unfamiliar boy watching him in such a private matter. All he could think about was how Sirius Black, nearly killed his family.

He nearly exposed Remus's secret.

He nearly caused the death of his own sister.

He nearly got himself killed.

And it looked like he didn't even regret it. Sirius did not look overly devastated that he had led a Slytherin that the Marauders absolutely despised into the shrieking shack on the night of the full moon. And that just made James angrier.

"Prongs, you don't understand, I-I..." He stuttered. Tears were welling up in his eyes.

He had screwed up.

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