Chapter 2.

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Darkness. Mia was encased with darkness as a squeezing sensation overwhelmed her body. She felt as though her entire body had been shoved into a tube and she was being pulled through it whilst being span around at the speed of light.

Suddenly, with a sharp pop she was shoved down onto a concrete surface and as her ears adjusted she could hear the familiar and comforting sound of chatter and then her favourite sound in the whole entire world. The blaring horn of the Hogwarts Express. It wasn't a sharp blare that hurt your ears. It was soft yet firm. For Mia, it was the sound of Hogwarts calling her home.

But soon she was knocked out of her dazed and blissful state by her mother's cold grip on her arm dragging her through the crowded platform. Both her mother and father had a scowl etched on their faces as they looked around in disgust at the muggleborns and halfbloods bidding farewell to their families.

Mia looked around and couldn't bring herself to feel sad due to the lack of love her parents showed her because she was buzzing with excitement, she was finally going home.

However, her parents wouldn't miss one last chance to bash her self esteem.

"Now listen to me child, 7th year is important. Study hard for your NEWTs. Do not cause any trouble or procure yourself any detentions."

Walburga looked up and down Mia's body disapprovingly and tutted.

"If by some miracle you manage to get a worthy boy interested in you, remember not to smile with your teeth. If anyone sees that horrendous gap then they will certainly not want you." Mia bit her lip to stop it trembling. She'd like to say that their words had no effect on her. But they did. In fact they had such a big effect on her that not a day went by at school when she didn't clamp a hand over her mouth mid-laugh to stop people seeing the big gap between her two front teeth or she suddenly closed her lips when smiling for a photo so they weren't on show.

"And cut down on the carbs and sweets. A man does not like a fat wife so a man won't like you." Another stab in the heart for Mia. Her weight. She wasn't skinny. She wasn't exactly fat but her thighs touch all the way down to her knees, she had a decent layer of chub on her stomach and if she hung her head at the wrong angle then she had a horrific double chin. Not to mention the countless stretch marks that littered her body.

All of these things were major insecurities of hers purely because no one had ever told her that being skinny isn't the only thing to life even though it might seem like it. No one ever told her that stretch marks are normal and aren't something to be ashamed of and not once did anyone tell her that her smile is beautiful. No one told her that her toothy grin lights up a dark room because of the pure joy that eminates from it. And these hurtful words stung ten times worse because they came out of the mouth of her own mother.

Mia clenched her fists at her sides and pushed everything out of her head.

"I will try my best mother, see you at Christmas." She said through gritted teeth.

She picked up her trunk and hurried aboard the ruby red train in search of her one best friend.

Evelyn Pip. Evelyn and Mia had crashed into each other when they were tiny first years rushing around the giant castle. They banged heads and sprawled out across the corridor. Both had received a minor concussion but bonded instantly as they both began speaking gibberish due to their concussed states. Evelyn was a Hufflepuff. A feisty hufflpuff. But Mia and Evelyn were two peas in a pod. Evelyn was a muggleborn, making her subject to many Slytherins bullying. Although, Evelyn was an outspoken and headstrong young lady, when the Slytherins threw taunts and insults at her, she froze. Which is when Mia would always step in and defend her. Usually these encounters would end with Mia and Evelyn high-fiving triumphantly as the Slytherins bullies ran away crying. But the thing about these stupid Slytherins. They never learn. But Mia never minds a chance to knock them down a peg or two.

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