Chapter 54.

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The Astronomy tower was used for many things at Hogwarts.

Random Hookups, romantic picnics, drinking games, smoking sessions, star gazing, and the list went on.

But to Regulus's Black. It was a place to think. There was something so oddly serene about the stone balcony that overlooked the ethereal landscape of the night. Something that seemed to pluck the deepest of thoughts from the back of your mind like a thread of silk.

Evelyn quietly walked up the small staircase that led to the tower's highest platform.

Her palms sweating profusely as they cling to the banister. Heart thumping harshly against her chest.

She reached the top. And seeing him stood there basking in satin moonlight was like falling in love with him all over again.

"Was breaking my heart not enough? Are you going to stomp on it now too?" Regulus's deep voice pierced through the still silence of the night.

Evelyn stepped towards him.

"Regulus I-"

"Don't." He spat.

"Don't come here and try to reconcile. Don't you dare."

He turned around and took a step towards her.

"Because let me tell you, I'm far to broken to be fixed now." He interrupted her. When he slightly turned his body to face her, she could see tears spilling down his smooth cheeks. She could see the creases surrounding his brows as he frowned in anguish.

And all she could think about, was how she did that to him.

She was reason for his heartbreak.

She hadn't loved him at his worst. She pushed him away. Because she didn't want to deal with his darkest moments. And now she didn't know if she was ever going to be able to get him back.

"You should leave." He said finally.

A tear slipped from Evelyn's eye. This was far harder than she thought.

"No." She cursed herself as her voice cracked.

"I said you should fucking leave." Regulus pleaded.

"I said no Regulus!"

"I don't want to be around you." He shouted at her.

"I don't believe you Reg." The Hufflepuff retaliated.

"Fine! Your right. Of course I want to fucking be around you it's just I don't want you to be around me! I don't want you to see what a monster I am now." The Black boy yelled with a crack in his voice.

"I don't give a shit Reg! I fucking love you. I'll always fucking love you. Till the day I die. But seeing you make the wrong choices hurts me more than not seeing you." She shouted so loudly it echoed off the stone walls.

Minutes passed between the two.

Not a sound slipping past their lips other than the occasional sniffle of tears.

Just as Evelyn was about to give up and turn to leave a tiny whisper breezed through the air.

"I fucking love you too. Foutriquet."

The brightest smile shone on Evelyn's face as she whipped around.

"I swear to Merlin, you call me Pipsqueak again and I'll cut your balls of Black." She laughed hoarsely as fresh tears poured down her face.

The embraced for a while. Something sparking between the two. It would take a long time for them to tie the knots that were broken but they could both meant to forgive. And it was needless to say there were still many problems to overcome but only one was at the forefront of the Pip girls mind.

"Reg." She said with extreme hesitance.


"I need your help with something." She whispered quietly, terrified she would shatter the fragile connection they had just rebuilt.

"Ok..." he said.

"I don't want you to think I'm just using you. Because I'm not. And I didn't apologise just so you would help. I really do love you Regulus, and I would never want to put you in danger if I didn't have to, but I do really need your help with this." She rambled.

Regulus merely sat staring at her.

"We've found a way to help Mia." This piqued his interest entirely.

"Anything. Evelyn you know I'll do fucking anything." He shot out without hesitance.

"We need a wand." She said.

Regulus's face morphed into a painting of confusion.

"That's fine. Here take mine." He said and he held out his hand with his wand ready for Evelyn to use. Evelyn jumped forward and grasped his hand to stop him.

"We need Voldemort's wand." She whispered.

Regulus shuffled back and held her shoulders to stare deeply into her eyes.

The two lovers spoke no words as they could sense the pit of hopelessness in each other's heart.

They had a solution. A cure. A way to save Mia Black.

But it was far out of reach.


Well fuck me sideways and call me Jesus. I'm so sorry for how infrequent my updates are but I hope you enjoyed this. Hopefully I'll have time to write another chapter before Christmas. And if not I'm fairly certain the UK is going into lockdown so then I'll have bucket loads of time.
Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas holidays and let me know what you thought of this chapter!!!
Love you guys. ❤️

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