Raise A Little Hell

Start from the beginning

Catching Hikari by surprise, the bird couldn't help but widen her eyes at that. Was he thanking her for hating and yelling at Endeavor? Well, that was certainly new. I mean, it's not like he didn't deserve it but she had never heard that before.

Natsuo seemed to realize his odd phrasing through, the white haired Todoroki lowering his eyes to the floor in order to clarify. "My brother and my sister, they seem to forgive that guy more easily but I won't. I'll never forget how he ruined this family, how he ruined Touya."

Balling his hands into fists, it was clear to the bird that the boy in front of her truly believed his words, sensing his unkempt frustration and anger from the sensitivity of her feathers.

And whether she wanted to realize it or not, the boy really did look like Touya like this.

Although the nostalgia was quickly whipped away when Natsuo turned his cerulean gaze back to hers in order to bring himself back to reality. "So even though you didn't know him, thank you for taking his side for once."

The words were deliberate, and Hikari knew the meaning of every word. Touya was always cast aside after all, he was alway overlooked and pushed down for his own goals and desires Even his siblings sided away from him half the time, and from the dejected look on Natsuo's face, it seemed he knew that also.

Hugging her own arms around herself at the meaning, the girl pushed her own eyes away. It's true, she was the only one that always took Touya's side, even when he probably didn't deserve it. Even when he cheated on her, and stepped on her feelings, she still crawled back every chance she got.

Just then, Hikari's mind flashed the events of last night, her lips twisting down in memory. That was the first time she had ever betrayed him like that. For years she had done nothing but follow him and now things had finally changed

Funny how she was the one regretting her actions when he was the one who slept with another woman and hurt her with her own naive desires over and over again.

She knew he was hurt by it also, considering the bloody tears that pained Dabi's face in her memory. God, why did Natsu's words hurt so much? It's like he was absentmindedly reminding her of her betrayal.

Desperate to steer away from the topic of Touya and/or Dabi, the girl instead focused on the topic of the sentence, stating the obvious given the boy's harsh words. "Guess that means you want the guy gone then."

Yet that seemed to make him pause, his eyes playing with hidden conflict, almost like the answer wasn't so obvious after all. "I don't know, it's complicated."

This caused the bird to pause, turning her head at the meaning. "Complicated? What could be so complicated? If you hate the guy then you should want him gone. That's usually how it works."

Natsuo twisted his brow in conflict at her words before giving a heavy weighted sigh. "I will never forget the past but I don't want the future to be the same kind of pain. We've all just had so much tragedy in our lives, I don't think we can handle another, especially Fuyumi and Shoto."

And that was true, the man knowing that his family had been tortured and torn apart time and time again and he knew somewhere deep down that if his father died, then it would just be more of the same. More pain, more grief, more regrets for his siblings.

No, he saw the mere idea of fathers disappearance as completely selfish. There was no way in hell he was just going to ruin his family and then leave forever. "So even though I hate my dad and will never forgive him, I don't want him to disappear. I don't want him to die. I don't want him to give us another bad memory that will haunt us for years."

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