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"So like what do you guys do out here?" Sonia asked, "you're basically in the middle of no where."

"Well there's an entire like towns area on the other side of Green Glenn," I explained, "we have a church, a small school, a bank, sheriffs office, mail office, a ton of different little shops. It's honestly really cool when it's nice out and the music is playing in the streets, reminds me of Mardi Gras."

"Huh," she nodded, "well that's pretty neat I guess. I usually just sit in my room and watch movies, unless I have to do something else." 

"That's relatable," I chuckled, "I honestly do the same thing pretty often."

"Okay so lets talk boys," she smiled, "who do you like? Who do you think is cute?" 

"We have homework," I laughed. 

"Ohh come on," she said, "who?"

"No one," I shook my head, "I don't really pay much attention to boys." 

"So you like girls?" she asked. 

"What?" I asked, "no, I find guys attractive but all the guys at school are just... cocky." 

"Yeah I guess that's true," she nodded, "but-"

"I know," I laughed, "you like Fen." 

"No!" she laughed while pushing me a little, "shut up. I do not." She does, she totally does. That's so weird, Fen is so gross. He doesn't clean after himself, and I swear sometimes he showers with Axe. I couldn't imagine a girl ever liking my brother. 

"Lilly!" Kais voice carried through the house, "Lilly and Fen come here now! Aelia get down here!" 

"What's going on?" Sonia asked. 

"Uhh nothing," I smiled, "just stay here. I'll be right back." I left my room and shut the door behind me. I looked downstairs and saw Kai holding Rowan while blood was dripping from him. 

"Oh my god," I ran downstairs to them, "what happened? Uncle Rowan? Can you hear me?"

"Dad!" Aelia cried out as she ran downstairs, "oh my god, oh my god no. You're gonna be okay. Put him down, put him down!" I watched Kai quickly put his body on the floor. Fen walked out from his room and came down. 

"Where's mom and dad?" he asked. I looked at Kai and back at Aelia. I knelt down with her. 

"What do you need me to do?" I asked. 

"I-I don't know," she cried, "he isn't healing. I can't siphon anything away, it just won't work. I don't know why." I placed my hands over his body and what I felt was... it was scary, darkness. It was like something else was inhibiting his body, taking it over... There was a voice in the back of my head repeating the same phrase, 'Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum.' "Okay okay," I nodded, "I'm going to try something, back up. Give me some room." Aelia did just that, so did Kai. I placed a hand over his face and over his heart, "Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum. Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum. Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum. Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum. Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum! Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum! Daemon, sana vulnus, abscide eum!" His body started to rise from the ground but I held him down. A part of me knew what was happening but I don't know how I know... I just do. 

I felt him relax after about a minute and he screamed out as a black smoke  erupted from his mouth. 

"What the fuck was that?" Kai asked nervously, "why isn't he waking up? What happened to him? What did you do?" 

"I- I don't really know," I shook my head, "there was a spell in the back of my head, it was repeating itself. I'd never read it anywhere or seen it before but I trusted it and I - I think it worked. I think he's just asleep right now." 

"What was it?" Aelia asked. 

"I think whatever happened, there was a demon of some sort put into him," I looked between everyone, "I think if he would have died with that inside, it would have taken over fully." 

"How did you know?" Fen asked, "I mean... I've never heard or seen that spell before."

"I- I don't know," I shook my head, "It just came to me."

"Like Cades power came to him," Aelia nodded, "what if that's what your power is?"

"What?" I asked. 

"Knowing the spells," she explained, "anything is possible when it comes to specific powers so what if yours is just knowing what to use at any time?" 

"That's awesome," Fen chuckled. I heard my door open and gasped as soon as Sonia walked out. 

"It's okay," Fen whispered, "we're cloaked. She can't see us." She looked around for a couple seconds and then slowly walked back into my room and shut the door. 

"I'm going to take him upstairs," Kai pointed, "thank you, Lilly."

"You're welcome," I smiled. He picked him up and headed up the stairs with him. Aelia wrapped her arms around me immediately. 

"Thank you," she whispered, "thank you so much." 

"Don't thank me," I hugged her back, "I will always try. Always." She nodded and headed upstairs after Kai and Rowan. 

"I have to admit that was pretty badass," Fen nodded, "just feel like a lame-o." 

"What? Why?" I asked. 

"You and Cade have these specific strengths or powers or whatever the hell," he sighed, "I'm just... me." 

"There's no amount of wait time," I shook my head, "this just happened for the first time today, it may have just been luck."

"I don't think so," he shook his head. 

"Give it time," she nodded, "if the two of us have one then you will have one too." 

"Really?" he asked, "you think so?" I nodded my head, I hope so. I know he feels left out, like the odd ball but he really isn't. He's incredibly strong, stronger than me and Cade. 

"Did he say where mom and dad were?" I asked. 

"He said they showed up and dad made him leave with Rowan to come back," he shook his head, "he said they should be coming back soon, that they had it under control." 

"Should we trust that?" I asked, "I mean what if something is wrong? What if they need help?" 

"I'm sure they're fine," he nodded, "if they don't show up in like the next hour then we'll worry. Okay?" I nodded my head and he headed upstairs, I made my way to back to my room. Now I have to come up with a lie on the fly so she doesn't figure it out. Not that she would, most people roll their eyes when they hear supernaturals are real. 

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