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I was back in that house with them, I was chained to the wall as I was before. I had a needle in both arm drawing my blood and I felt... tired, it was hard to breathe, hard to focus. Anytime I shut my eyes all I could see was Gage... dead. I suddenly heard someone on the other side of the door and the door opened. 

"How you feeling?" Gage's mom peaked around and walked in. I felt a weight life off my shoulders. 

"I'm so sorry," I whimpered, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," she set her hand on my cheek, "but I have nothing left. My son is gone, my husband too. He took them both." She slowly pulled the needles from my arms, "now, Gage was never one to disobey the rules which tells me you did something to him or he had something for you. I'm hoping he had something for you, felt something?" 

"I- I never did anything," I shook my head, "I-I promise. I'd n-never hurt him." She grabbed a chair and unhooked my hand from the chair. I did my best to hold myself up but I couldn't. She broke my wrist free from the other and I just fell. 

"Then I'm going to help you," she nodded, "can you trust me?" 

"He'll kill you," I shook my head. 

"I know," she looked into my eyes, "I'm hoping for that. I can't live like this, alone." 

"Then.. then come with me," I grabbed her hand and felt my body start to siphon her powers. She winced and then let out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry," I felt my eyes roll back in my head. I couldn't pull away. I couldn't take my hand off of her, the magic was just flowing into me. When I finally could, I felt completely energized, at 100%. I stood up and grabbed her hand. "You can come with," I nodded, "we can run and get out of here." 

"I can't," she shook her head and looked down, "I can't run. Look at me, I'm getting up there in age. I'm a plain witch and without her family, my coven.. I'm nothing. If I'm going to die, I will die here with dignity, knowing I was helping the one my son was trying so desperately to help. Now go, get out of here." 

"Wait," I sighed, "why do you guys stay? What is he? You said you're a witch, the others are too but why don't you stand up to him?" 

"He's a vampire," she looked down, "he's strong, old and he's overpowered us before. He's unstoppable right now."

"So why does he control you?" I asked. 

"Because he was exiled from his group," she chuckled and shook her head, "imagine that right. So he came into the witches territory, took all of us hostage, slaughtered those who refused. He didn't care who, men, women, children... he was taking what he wanted. So here we are and we are under his control. No one is brave enough to stand up because... well..." she looked down at the ground and started to cry. I couldn't help it, I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. "You can kill me," she looked up, "you can do it. You're a witch too, you're just not a normal witch.. but you can let me go peacefully." 

"I- I can't," I shook my head, "I haven't ever-"

"Please," she grabbed my hands, "please." 

"Hey why is that door open!" I heard a mans voice echo through the hall. I turned and looked back before looking at her again. Fear was written on her eyes, all over her face. What do I do? I can't let her die.. I can't let her hurt. I quickly put my thumbs on her forehead. 

"You will be happy," I closed my eyes as I spoke to her mind, calming her down, "you'll be calm. You'll see Gage, your husband and the other family you've lost along the way. You'll find peace, true happiness. You'll be far from this pain. Corum spiritus, Ne lapides et ligna, et conteram pythonissam venatores 'ossa. Corum spiritus, Ne lapides et ligna, et conteram pythonissam venatores 'ossa. Corum spiritus, Ne lapides et ligna, et conteram pythonissam venatores 'ossa." I watched her gasp and that's when the man walked into the room. Her body relaxed in mine and I listened as she made her last breath. 

"Well well well what do we have here?" he asked, "you killed one of mine?" I felt him get closer and I swung my arms around, letting out a loud scream. I watched his body fly back into the wall and I grabbed one of the chains. I pulled his body to me with my mind, making his blood boil the entire time. I chained his wrist and then took off running out of the room. "Get her!" I heard him scream from in the room, "get her now!" My heart was racing as I ran through the halls and when I found the exit, I ran outside. 

Immediately I was hit with immense pain that took me to my knees. I started to cough as it felt like the air was being pulled from my lungs. I grabbed at my chest and my throat, my face started to burn. I felt my hands get pulled behind my back and handcuffs were put on. Instantly I felt my power disappear. No... no no no... NO!

"That's enough!" the man stepped beside me, "thank you guys. You can go back to whatever it was you were doing." I looked up at the witches as they stood and watched, some looked sad others, terrified. He ripped me up and spun me around to look at him. I felt his fist make sudden contact with my face and I stumbled but he had a grip on my arm so tight I barely moved. He hit me again, and again before dragging me back down to the room. He threw me down in a chair and wrapped chains around my chest and the chairs tightly. He pulled my ankles apart and tied them to each leg. 

"I- I will get out," I breathed heavily, "I will." 

"Yeah we'll see," he nodded, "I admit, you're strong but I'm smarter and I have followers." 

"Followers?" I scoffed, "they're just scared of you." 

"They stick around don't they?" he smirked, "anyhow, that other gentleman will be here shortly." He grabbed a roll of duct tape and put it over my mouth multiple times. "There," he smiled, "that's better. Nice and quiet." I watched him walk out of the room and I tried to move but it was absolutely no use. Some time went by and it wasn't long before the door opened and the vampire walked in with another man. 

"Wow," his eyes widened, "what a beauty." He walked around me, looking me up and down, "so wait, why are you getting rid of it? I mean, it's rare right?" 

"Yeah," he nodded, "just a bit spunky and likes to try and escape. Done so successfully a couple times but she's not smart enough to stay hidden." He got closer to my face and I looked the other way. His hand quickly wrapped tightly around my jaw and he jerked my head back towards him. 

"You don't look away from me when I'm looking at you," he stared into my eyes, "we're gonna break that unruliness about you." He turned back to the vampire, "when can I take it?" 

"As long as you've got payment you can take her now for all I care," he sighed, "just killed one of my witches." 

"Well are you going to let them do anything to show their frustration and hurt?" he asked. 

"What do you have in mind?" the vampire asked. 

"Stone it," he looked at me and back at the vampire, "we can take it outside, not going anywhere it looks like, so we go out there, you announce the painful news and you let them have their way with it. I mean it's technically a witch right? Isn't there some sort of code?" The two stood there for a few seconds and agreed, so the vampire grabbed the chair and we all went outside. He set me in the middle of the field. 

"Everyone come!" the vampire started to yell, "everyone! Here! Now!" I watched as they all came and surrounded us. "This one here," he put his hand on my head, "has now killed one of you. You remember sweet Gage's mother right?" I watched as they all covered their mouths, some started to cry. 

No... no no.. you don't understand. 

I only wanted to bring her peace. I didn't want her to get hurt. I was just trying to help her! I wanted to scream it but I couldn't, not with the tape over my mouth. 

"So I'm giving you guys the chance to punish!" he yelled some more, "there are rocks that surround you. Punish her." Him and the other man walked away to the side of the building. I watched for a few moments while they contemplated and talked amongst themselves. 

Please.. please don't do this. I wasn't trying to hurt her. I wasn't.... and I swear she felt no pain! Please! 

They started to get closer and that's when I started to feel them. The rocks hitting my face and arms. It hurt... so much more than someone could imagine. 

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