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I walked out into the yard where everyone stood around, "alright, so what's up? What's going on?"

"You remember Zaj?" Kira asked, "does everyone remember him?" 

"Jazz's brother?" Justin asked, "yeah, I remember him."

"Okay well we are all aware of Tabitha De Meath, she lives in the tower in the cemetery," Kira explained, "she's what binds the ancestors to the living world, she is how we communicate with the ancestors. I told her that Zaj was out, she didn't like that. She needed him back with her because he has a power that could do a lot of damage. Anyways, I went and found him, you guys knew about that. I brought him back and she bound him to the underworld so he won't be getting out any time soon."

"Wait," Esme stopped her, "so what now? What's that mean?" 

"I've done some digging," Kira explained further, "and I think Zaj may have been out looking for the stones as well."

"How do you know?" I asked. 

"Well I don't yet but I remember a time me and Tabitha talked, she told me she created the stones," Kira continued, "He was in Elmway, the last I heard of the Crescent stone, was near Elmway. That's the last known place, literally, near Elmway. The lead I got came from another coven, they didn't leave a name or anything just 'witches'. The note also said that he was looking for something critical, something sacred and he must be stopped. What else is sacred? What is critical?" 

"The stones," I nodded. 

"Exactly," she nodded her head, "we have to find them. He was onto something so I'm going to take that over, start where he left off."

"Okay so what exactly did we come out here for?" Kai asked. 

"Well because we have a body to bury and a sheriff to inform," she sighed, "I'm going to talk to the sheriff, Esme you're with me. Boys, please take the body and bury him. He's in the cemetery." I nodded and headed there with Justin, Kai and Rowan following. 

"Where's Cyprus?" I asked. 

"He's with Anna right now," Justin said. 

"Oh?" I chuckled, "really? How's that?" 

"A lot of shit has happened this last week between them," he sighed, "she has a boyfriend, Flint." 

"Right yeah I remember him," Rowan nodded, "Cy was bummed out." 

"Yeah that's an understatement," Justin scoffed, "Flint has uhm, he's done a number on her. Cyprus went out and picked her up last night, brought her back home. As far as I know they're still sleeping." 

"What do you mean?" Kai asked, "like he hit her or something." 

"Exactly that," Justin nodded, "a lot. She was really beat up last night. Esme makes these healing drinks, I gave each of them one." 

"She knows?" I asked.

"Not about everything," Justin shook his head, "when Cyprus left last night, he left in a hurry and didn't think about the car so he had to show her his true form. I'm assuming she didn't mind since she's in the house right now. Esme wants to erase it from her mind." 

"It would probably be best," Kai nodded, "I mean all she has to do is make Anna believe that Cyprus picked her up in the car. That way she won't know about anything and she won't be at risk for knowing." Justin nodded his head in agreeance.

Me and Kira were headed to talk to the sheriff. I don't know what we're going to tell him. 

"Do you know who it was?" I asked, "who Zaj took over?"

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