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Flint walked back and forth in his room as he decided what to wear to the party. "Please I would really like to just stay in and watch a movie with you," I begged him. I didn't want to go to another party, what if something happens like last time? "Please Flint," I asked again. 

"No," he laughed, "seriously Anna, why are you like this? Why are you so difficult?" 

"Me wanting to stay in and watch a movie is difficult?" I asked, "how? Why?" 

"Because you just have to ruin the fun I have planned!" he said a bit louder, "you always do this!" 

"Then I won't go," I shook my head, "I can just stay here." 

"And do what? Invite other guys over?" he asked. 

"Flint seriously?" I asked, "you are really going to do that right now? Right now? Really?" 

"Well are you?" he asked, "is that why you want to stay now?" 

"I never wanted to go to the stupid party!" I snapped. I didn't mean to but I did and before I could even flinch I felt his hand hit my face. Why does he keep doing this? He never hit me before up until recently and it... it's so often... 

"Don't yell at me!" he yelled louder, "you don't yell at me!" I felt the tears swelling in my eyes as I slowly turned and looked at him. "I'm sorry," he sighed, "I'm sorry, I- you just made me so mad. I'm sorry. It was because you yelled, I-" 

"It's okay," I shook my head as I sat back up slowly, "I'm sorry...I- I shouldn't have yelled." 

"Come on you ready to go?" he asked. I looked down at my hands and nodded my head slowly. He turned and left the room, I grabbed my phone to see Cyprus had messaged me. 

Cy: hey you... I know we haven't been talking a whole lot.. I hope you're okay. Call me if you need anything, stay safe. 

I shut my eyes, a few tears fell down my cheeks. I want to be with him... but why do I feel so bad for walking from Flint? Why am I so scared...? I stood and put my phone in my back pocket, leaving the room and heading out to his truck. Flint already sat in there with it running, the music was loud. I got into the passenger seat and he started to drive. I recognized the roads, saw that we were headed to the same house as last weekend. 

"Flint I-" I started to shake my head. I could feel my heart starting to race, "I really don't think this is a good idea." 

"Oh relax," he shook his head, "it'll be fine." About ten minutes went by and we pulled up to the house. He parked the truck and got out, leaving me in there. The amount of kids was just as much as it was before, if not more. The music blaring again. I saw there, looking out the windshield and then slowly making my way out of the truck. I had on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, wanted to keep it simple. I walked up and saw Flint hanging around all the football players. I don't even want to go over there by them, I don't want to be here. "Anna!" Flints voice carried, "Annabelle come here!" I let out a sigh before walking towards them. "Hey!" he grabbed my shoulder laughing, "hey can you go get us some beers?" 

"I- I was actually thinking about-uhm-" I tried to talk but I couldn't find the words and he wasn't going to let me finish. 

"Beers," he said a bit louder, "thank you." His friend grabbed my shoulders, spun me around and pushed me forward. They laughed and without turning back I just headed into the house. I had to push myself through others because it was so crowded. I felt like I could barely breathe in there. I made it to the kitchen and grabbed a few beers only to feel my phone vibrate again. I set them down and pulled it out. 

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