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I've had to do the most horrible things the past few days. Memories flooded my brain. 

"You will take this knife and you will stab him," the witch starred into my eyes, "and you won't stop until I say."

"Please don't make me do this," I begged, "please don't make me hurt him." 

"It-It's okay," he said tiredly, "just-just do it. I'll be okay."

"No," I looked at him, "no. I won't do this to you." She grabbed my face and made me looked at her. 

"You will do as I say," she glared. I felt my body being taken over by her. Why was this working? She's not a vampire. "Now take this knife," she shoved it into my hand, "and stab him. Now." She smiled small and then set her hands on my shoulders, turning me to face him. I walked over to him. Stop Rowan. You can't do this. 

"It's okay," he looked at me, "it's okay." 

"I'm so sorry," the tears fell down my cheeks as I drove the knife into his stomach. He groaned as the blade struck him and gasped as I pulled it out.

"Again," she said.

"No," I cried, "please. Please don't make me do this anymore!" 

"Again!" she said louder. I did as she said... unable to control it, unable to stop. I stabbed him again. And again. And again.

I looked over at Kai. He was weak, his skin was as white as snow. They had these needles that were drawing him blood from him constantly and another pumping him full of toxins. I rattled the chains that held my wrists together. The witch walked back in. I don't even know who she is, I've never seen her before. Kai knows though, or atleast she knows who Kai is. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She walked over to Kai, grabbed his face and looking him over. 

"Move him to the other room," she ordered, "lay him on the table." Others walked in and unchained him, dragging him out of the chair. 

"Where are you taking him?" I asked angrily, "where is he going!"

"Oh that is no concern of yours," she walked over to me smiling, "you'll be more concerned about yourself shortly." She snapped her fingers and just like that, I was out. Asleep. When I woke up I was strapped down to a bed. There was a single light lit in the room and it was hanging over me. I looked around but I couldn't make out anything. Suddenly I heard screams...


"Kai!" I screamed as I tried to move, "Kai! Stop! Stop it!" What are they doing to him? What is going on? The door opened and the woman walked in. "What are you doing to him!" I jerked forward, "stop hurting him!"

"I can't do that, Rowan," she smirked as she walked over to me, "and you, well, I have a whole different game plan for you." 

"What do you want?" I asked. 

"I want his blood," she smiled, "for his blood, the blood of the three tri-breds must be gotten."

"For what!" I snapped. 

"So feisty," she laughed, "for a human with no power." She clenched her fist and all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air and when I felt my face starting to burn she stopped. "Now for the fun part," she smiled while grabbing a vial of blood from her pocket and holding it up for me to see. She walked over and pulled a knife from a table and walked back to me before slicing my arm. I screamed out in pain as it burned and the blood poured from my skin. She walked around and did it again. She sliced my legs and then forced me to drink his blood. I coughed as the copper taste filled my mouth but within a few seconds my wounds were healing. "Now you have his blood in your system," she smiled, "which means-" 

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