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We headed into the woods towards Rosedale, me, Kira and Esme. Justin was staying back with the kids, Cyprus too. When we got close I could smell all of them, the witches.

"Okay," Kira stopped, "his house is literally right down there. White siding, green door and shutters." I nodded my head. "Once the spell is made the strengthening spell will only last 15 minutes," she looked at me, "please get in and out as fast as possible. Please, Jace." I smiled and pressed my lips against her head. 

"Of course my love," I nodded, "I'll be okay." She looked at me for a few more seconds before grabbing my hand. Esme grabbed my other hand and the two of them started to chant. I closed my eyes and felt the power of Esme being transferred to me. When it was done I stood and took off towards the house. I listened closely and when I heard nothing, I opened the front door slowly. I walked in, shutting it behind me. I crept around, looking for anything that looked unusual. 

I walked into the kitchen where a man sat at the table. I walked as slowly and quietly as I could. Making my way around him and down into the basement. Luckily the basement door was already open because had it not been, I don't think I would have been able to do it. I walked down and started to look around. They had an array of herbs and different artifacts. 

"Where is it?" I asked myself quietly, "come on... it has to be here somewhere." I looked through the drawers and cabinets. I wasn't even sure what it looked like but she told me I'd know it when I see it. I grabbed a stack of papers and started to look through them, seeing if there was anything that could lead me in the right direction. I flipped to a page where I saw drawings and different markings. I saw a bowl, and a rock of some form... but something about it spoke to me. This must be the stone, only a drawing of it and I can feel that it's the one. It's around here somewhere, it has to be. 

The lights to the basement turned on and I spun around as a woman walked down the stairs. She looked upset, as if she'd been crying. She walked to a table that was full of clutter. I looked up at the clock... I only have a couple minutes left with this enhancement spell they used. 

"Where is he!" she suddenly screamed, "where did you send him!" 

"I told you Amanda," the man from upstairs yelled back to her, "I did not send him anywhere, I simply banished him from the coven, from this home. He's somewhere out there, I don't know where." 

"Bring him home!" she yelled at him, "bring him home or I will!" 

"You won't," the man came downstairs with her, "you want to know why? Because our entire coven is behind me on this. You are the only one against. Stop trying. He is gone." I looked at the clock again. 1 minute. I turned around and kept looking. I saw a bowl on top of the cabinet and quietly climbed onto a chair to grab it down. I put my hand into the bowl and suddenly the chair was pulled from under me. I fell and hit the ground, when I opened my eyes the two of them were looking straight at me. 

I immediately felt a pain in my head and everything went black. 

Esme gasped and looked at me frightened. 

"What happened?" I asked, "Esme what's wrong?" 

"I lost the connection," she shook her head, "the connection I had to him, it-it's gone." 

I quickly stood up and started running towards the house but she was quick to stop me, "we can't go in there. We aren't invited. We have to find another way." 

"No," I cried out shakily, 'no. I can't leave him here. I won't leave him here, Esme."

"We can't fight all those witches," she shook her head. 

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