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I ran in the back door, Justin, Cyrpus and the babies were all downstairs. 

"What's wrong?" Justin stood. 

"Jace," I ran to him, "something happened. I lost connection and then everything went silent in the house, like they cast a spell." 

"Are you okay?" he asked, "where's Kira?"

"She made me come here," I shook my head, "she told me I didn't have a choice. I had to listen. I didn't want to leave her there but she refused. She's trying to figure something out. Wh- Where's Kai and Rowan?"

"I don't know," he shook his head, "probably at dinner still." 

"We have to go to her now," I grabbed his hand, "like now." 

"And what fight a coven of witches by ourselves?" he asked, "no. I'm not doing that. We will be caught. They will be stronger. Call her back here." 

"She won't listen Justin," I shook my head, "she-"

"Send her a message," he insisted, "we can't and she knows that. We need a plan, we need to be able to talk about what to do." I looked at him for a few seconds. "Look I don't like that they have him either," he shook his head, "but we need to be smart. She's acting on emotion. She needs to act on instinct, on a plan. We all do. Get her home, if I have to go out there and bring her back I will but we need to talk about it." I nodded and wrote a small note before sending it to her. 

When one popped back up, I read it aloud, "I can not leave him. I have to figure out a way. You and Justin need to come back. Now."

"Okay hard way it is," Justin sighed, "Esme, stay here." 

"I don't think that's a good idea," I shook my head. 

He looked at me for a few seconds before starting again, "stay with the littles. Cyprus, you stay here too."

"Where are you even going?" he asked. Justin looked over at me and I shook my head. I didn't know what to say... I just know he doesn't know. 

"I'll be back," Justin nodded, "just stay here for now." He nodded his head and just like that Justin was gone. I looked at the time. 9:37pm. I wrote another note to Kai and sent it to him. When Lilly started to cry I handed her a bottle and then grabbed Fen. 

"Hey sweet boy," I smiled as I rubbed my nose against his, "how are you little man?" A smile spread across his face and his laughter filled my ears. I set him back down on the ground and ran down into the basement, grabbing a couple of our grimoires. I headed back up and sat down on the couch, opening them up and looking through them. "Okay," I sighed, "I don't even know what I'm looking for in here... something to help Jace... there has to be something."

I looked at the time again, 9:51 pm. and still no response from Kai. I sent another note and then sent a separate one to Rowan before looking back through the books. 

"Okay," I found a page and started to look through it a bit deeper, "this is too powerful for me itself... but all three of us? I think we can do something like this." As I read more, I realized that this was not regular magic. This was dark magic. I saw one symbol in particular, it looked like an old Celtic symbol. An equilateral triangle in the center and a swirl coming off each point. "What is this?" I looked at it longer. What does this mean? Why do I feel like I've seen this? 

"What's wrong?" Cyprus asked, "what is it?"

"Come here," I motioned my hand, "I'll show you. I found this, I can't read all of it yet but I'm able to make out a few words here and there, then there's this." I pointed down at the symbol and his jaw basically fell to the floor. He pulled down his shirt on the right side, revealing the scarred symbol. 

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