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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I was ready to head out and get done with all of my errands. I had to talk to the police in Rosedale, along with the inspectors and fire department. I did some digging last night and found a real estate agent that was willing to work with us. She's coming today to finalize papers and then get everything else aligned, Jane Lend. 

"Good morning baby," Jace rolled over and wrapped his arm around me, "don't get out of bed yet." I chuckled as I laid back down his him, resting my head against his chest. 

"Good morning my love," I leaned up and kissed his cheek, "how'd you sleep?" 

"Good," he yawned, "the babies awake?" 

"I'm about to go check on them," I smiled, "I would imagine not. They usually start crying when they do because they're hungry."

"So why are you up then?" he asked, "just woke up?" 

"Yeah," I nodded, "guess my body had enough sleep."

"Well do you feel that way?" he asked. 

"I do," I chuckled. 

He moaned loudly and I laughed as I stood up, "you getting up then?" 

"In a little while," he rolled back over on his stomach, "I love you." 

"I love youuu," I exaggerated as I walked out of our room. I shut the door quietly behind me and headed to the babies room. I walked in slowly and looked over all of them. I looked over at Cade and saw him sitting up, looking right at me. "Hey there you," I walked over to him smiling. His smile grew and he started to giggle. I gently picked him up and walked out of the room. "Are you hungry?" I asked as I walked downstairs, "yeah? Are you?" I walked with him into the kitchen and grabbed some baby food before setting him in his high chair. 

I started to feed him and he gave no issues. Afterwards I decided to change him just so he'd have a fresh diaper and then I moved him to the play pen. He jangled the bells and pressed the buttons that started up the musical toys. I walked back into the kitchen to see what there was to be made for breakfast. I grabbed out pancake mix, an all time favorite in the household thankfully. We eat these most days. 

"Good morning," Esme smiled as she walked in to Cade. 

"Good morning," I turned and looked at her, "hungry?" 

"Yes!" she said, "normally I'm not hungry right away but this morning, yes." I chuckled as I walked over and started the coffee before walking into the laundry room. I set the dryer on the tumble setting since I forgot to pull them out and fold them last night. I heard Lily start fussing upstairs and I quickly headed up there so she wouldn't wake Fen but I was too late. He was wide eyed and happy, her on the other hand, pissed at the world and probably hungry. Can't say I blame her. I picked both of them up and headed down with them. 

"Woah," Esme started to laugh, "both of them huh?" I nodded and set them both in the highchairs. 

"You guys hungry?" I smiled as I gently pinched their cheeks. I walked over and grabbed out two packages of food along with two little spoons. I started to feed the two of them in that time both Justin and Kai made their ways down with us. I could hear Jace walking around upstairs, I assume getting dressed. 

"Good morning," Kai was the first to speak, "Rowan is getting dressed. He'll be down soon." 

"Ohhhh," Esme looked over, "is that what we heard last night?" 

"That's exactly what you heard," he started to laugh as well as the other boys. 

"Okay okay," I chuckled, "innocent ears over here." 

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