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I was sitting in a chair, I wasn't able to move. Rowan stood in front of me. He had been beaten up pretty bad, his body was cut up. He held a knife in his hand and the witches were making him cut himself in front of me. 

"Get out of my head," I growled as I looked at the witches and back and Rowan. I've watched him die over a  hundred times in my head, each time worse than the last. It's driving me crazy. I need to know if he's okay. I mean is this some sort of sign? 

"Kai," he whimpered, "it-it hurts." 

"I know," I tried to get to him, "I know I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."  He held the knife to his arm, pulling it slowly.  He squeezed his eyes shut. 

"Stop!" I snapped, "stop! Let him go!" The witches stood in silence and continued to look forward. He continued to slice his skin.

She spun back around with a smile on her face and a what looked like a small razor blade. She started to make slits all over my face and arms. I cried out as more and more were made. She then snapped her fingers and a lemon appeared. She used her knife to cut before holding it over the cuts and squeezing the juice all over. I cried out as it burned so bad. Not only was it burning the cuts on my skin but it was burning the hell out of my eyes. I sat there for a few minutes letting my eyes calm themselves. They still hurt but I was getting used to it now. I slowly looked over and saw her standing beside Kai.

I watched her hold her hand up and she clasped her fist together. I watched as his body started to shake.

'What are you doing?" I asked, "stop it." She continued. I watched as blood started to drip from his ears. "Stop!" I begged, "please stop! Stop! He's already going through enough!" I watched as it started to come from his nose and then his eyes. "Stop," I cried, "please... please stop." I watched as his body arched and he screamed out in pain. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I screamed, "STOP!" I started to rattle the chains to try and break free. I heard her laugh and when I looked back at her, she let him go. His body fell back down. 

"The two of you are pathetic really," she smirked, "romance, love, it's all... for the birds."

"Why are you doing this to him?" I asked as I looked over at him. I could tell he wasn't at peace... I've seen him at home, sleeping soundly. He looks different. He is hurting...

"He needs to know pain," she smirked, "he-"

"He knows pain!" I snapped, "he knows pain. He's an expert in it."

"I don't think so," she looked into my eyes, "and I don't think you quite know pain either." 

"What is the fantasy with pain?" I asked, "why are you obsessed on bringing us pain? We were out at dinner! We were just trying to have dinner!" 

"Because I had Kira!" she snapped, "and I had Esme! But Kai... Kai ruined it. Because of him, the three were all able to get away!" She was angry. I could tell she was holding a grudge against that. "I felt pain that night," she chuckled, "pain from the ancestors, for losing them. They made me feel and see things I wish on no one. They took someone important to me."

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked, "why are you-"

"Because that doesn't mean I can't give you a little taste," she walked over and grabbed something from the wall before walking back to me... a metal rod and she held it above her head. She drilled it through my stomach. I gasped as I felt the metal inside of me. It hurt... it hurts so bad. I felt my blood starting to trickle down my sides. "Shouldn't be long now," she chuckled, "and he'll have lost someone he loves as well. Then he can know true pain." 

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