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I started to open my eyes but the light shining in my face made me close my eyes. My head was pounding and I felt like everything was in slow motion. As things started to come to and I was able to focus a bit more... I noticed I couldn't move. I was chained to a chair, heavily chained actually. Around my wrists, my legs, my stomach and chest too. I had tape over my mouth, I couldn't talk... and I was soaking wet. 

I was burning up, it was hot in here. As I looked around I saw a table that had an assortment of tools. Most of them covered in blood.. wait..

I looked down at my body to see my bloodied clothes but no open wounds. Okay.. so they're letting me heal.. 

How long have I been here? When did I get here? 

The door opened and a woman walked in and over to me, she stared into my eyes. 

"Do you remember your name?" she asked. 

I looked at her confused for a few seconds before nodding my head slowly. 

"Do you know where you are?" she asked again. 

I shook my head and tried to rattle the chains. A small smile spread across her face. 

"Do you know how long you've been here?" she questioned. I scowled at her. She got closer to me, her lips were inches from my ear, "you've been here for two weeks now. No ones coming for you." 


Why can't I remember anything? What have they been doing to me? 

"We've managed to keep our leader alive from that bite your dad gave him," she pulled back and looked into my eyes, "you are going to heal him or you will die with him. Understood?" 

Is she being serious? She's a witch.. she has to know that my blood isn't going to heal him. A tri-breds blood is the only thing that can... I can't, I don't have that ability. She grabbed the tape and pulled it from my mouth. 

"I-I can't," I shook my head. I was burning up, I felt like I barely had the strength to talk, "my blood won't heal him. It-it'll only make him worse." 

"He's about to die!" she snapped, "he can't get worse!" She put her hands on my head and I felt the most excruciating pain. I started to scream out, it felt like my head was exploding. She pulled her hands away and the main pain left immediately... I was still hurting though. She walked over to the table and I watched her grab a knife and a vial of liquid. 

"Wh-what is that?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath. 

"Don't worry," she stuck the blade into the liquid, "it won't kill you. It'll just hurt... a lot." She pulled it out and stuck the knife into my stomach. I gasped and instantly felt the burning in my body. I clenched my fists and let out a cry before she covered my mouth with her hand, "silence." 

Just like that I couldn't talk. I couldn't open my mouth at all. 

"Mercury and silver," she pulled the knife out and stuck it back into the liquid, "poisonous to your kind, deadly if too much is ingested but I know the limits." She stuck the knife back into my body and I screamed out in pain. "This is only a sliver of the pain he's feeling," she sneered, "here's another." She snapped her fingers and just like that it felt well over a hundred degrees in the room. Suddenly I could open my mouth again and I started gasping for air trying to catch my breath, the sweat was rolling down my face. 

"Wh-why are you doing this for him?" I asked her tiredly, "he-he's done nothing but use you." 

"He is my leader," she said, "I owe my life to him. He saved us."

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