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"Let go of me!" I ripped the chains that held my arms apart, "let me out of here!" 

"We can't do that," Gage walked in and over to me, "you know we can't do that." 

"Please," I begged, "you've had me long enough. Please just let me go! You said two weeks! It's been months!"

"You're special," he shrugged his shoulders, "we can't let you go. Besides, where would you go? Your little witches group kicked you out. You have no where." 

"Then I'll survive on my own!" I shook the chains some more, "let me out of here!" 

"They'll be down shortly," he looked at me, "don't fight too hard. They will hurt you, Aelia." 

"I don't give a damn!" I snapped, "I'd rather them kill me then be strung up here like this any longer!" He walked backwards to the door. "Don't leave me in here!" I yelled, "Gage! Don't go!" The door shut behind him and I just let my head fall. Come on... come on Aelia. I wrapped the chains around my wrists and started to pull but it was no use. I watched the knob turn and in he walked. 

"How are you today?" he chuckled. 

"You ever gonna tell me your name?" I sneered. 

"You don't need to know," he shook his head as he walked over to the table in the corner. He grabbed a needle and walked back in front of me. 

"You don't have to do this," I shook my head, "please." 

"Well we have to figure out what you are," he grabbed my arm tightly to where I could barely move it. I watched the needle slide into my arm and I shut my eyes as he drew my blood. "We haven't seen someone like you come around in hundreds of years," he watched my blood drain, "I'm not letting you out of my sight. Our ancestors made that mistake years ago, I won't make it again." 

"Why do you need me?" I asked, "what is the point? I can't do anything for you!"

"Oh but you can," he nodded, "you just don't know it yet."

"Then let me down and-and I'll stay here," I tried to reason, "let me down and keep me locked in here. Just let me down!" 

"No can do," he sighed while pulling the needle out, "you know that if you get your hands on anything magical or even ancient that you'll become stronger than all of us, so, looks like you're staying here." 

"NO!" I snapped as he walked out of the room, "no! Let me out! Let me out of here!" I looked around the room but there was nothing in there with any magic, I'd be able to sense it, I've always been able to sense that. Again, the door opened and in walked Gage. "Gage," I felt the tears in my eyes, "please. Please let me down from here. Please." 

"I- I can't," he walked over to me, "I'm sorry but I can't. They- they will kill me." 

"I can protect you," I rattled the chains some more, "please, Gage. I am begging you!" He looked at me for a few seconds and then walked over and grabbed a chair. He stood up on it and unlocked the first chain, then moved to the second. My legs were so weak I could hardly stand. He knelt down quickly and I put my hands on him. I felt the link happen immediately and then I felt his powers moving to me. I closed my eyes and felt some of the strength slowly build up a bit in my body. I slowly pushed myself up to my feet and he stood with me. I wrapped my arms around him quickly and he did the same. 

"You can't tell anyone I did this," his voice was shaky but his grip was firm around me, "because seriously... they will kill me. Going against the orders of him.. it'll be bad." 

"I- I told you I can keep you safe," I nodded, "I'm strong remember?" I pulled back and put my hand on the door handle. I opened the door slowly and poked my head out. When I saw no one, I stepped out fully. I turned back to him, "Gage run and find someone, tell them I got out," I nodded, "that way they won't think it was you. Okay?" 

"They'll find you," he shook his head, "they will bring you back." 

"Trust me," I set my hand on his cheek, "go." I turned my back to him and started in the opposite direction. When I heard him start running down the hall behind me, I picked up my pace. I walked around the corner where I saw two others. 

"Hey!" they started yelling, "what are you doing out!" I threw my hands forward and watched as both of them launched backwards. I ran past them and out the door. The light outside was bright, I haven't seen the outside in... gosh, months. The sun on my skin felt so warm even though snow covered the grounds around me. I immediately heard others yelling and when I turned around I saw them all charging at me. I threw my hands forward but before I could yell anything the man stepped forward. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he had Gage's neck in his hand as he drug him forward, "he let you out didn't he?" I didn't know what to say but I had to say something. 

"No," I squinted my eyes, "I got out on my own. I asked you to let me down because I was getting out no matter what." 

"Oh so he just happened to be walking by?" he asked, "because I know the two of you sneak around, I know he does anyways, to come see you. Isn't that right?" Shit. No.. 

"I told you, I got out on my own," I looked into the mans eyes, "he had nothing to do with it." 

"I don't believe you," he shook his head. I watched him push Gage in front of him and I felt the tears in my eyes. 

"No," I started to cry, "no! Gage! No!" I watched his jaw drop and his knees buckle. "No!" I screamed. His body fell to the ground and the man stood with his heart in hand. I looked over, everything was in slow motion. I could hear his mother screaming in the crowd behind him.

"This is what happens when I'm disobeyed!" He yelled loudly, deeply, "you don't disobey me!" My body was shaking as I stared at his body on the ground. No... no no... please get up. Gage get up. As I watched and realized it was done and he was gone I just turned and started to run. I was losing my powers by the second and I had to run. The wind blew harshly against my face and when I heard the thunder it made me jump. It wasn't long before the rain came and night fell. I have to find somewhere to hide, I know they're after me. I know they are and god I know they'll find me. They did last time and the time before that. 

I finally found a cave I could hunker under and then I gathered some sticks. Hours had passed... I have no magic now. I put my hands on the ground but there was nothing there, no magic coursing through. Shit... 

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall, bringing my knees to my chest to try and keep warm. 

"Come on I can smell her," I heard his voice. How did they find me? The snow and rain is so thick my tracks should have been covered. I stood as quickly as I could and ran out of the cave. I started to run in all sorts of different directions to try and confuse them. I have to get out of here. I have to. Suddenly I was pushed to the ground, the snow was cold on my face and hands. I felt someone grab my wrists and put them behind my back and then a black cover went over my head. "You thought you could get away huh?" he asked, "you should know better than that by now." 

I started to scream and kick but it was doing nothing. My heart was beating so fast I felt sick. "Let go of me!" I screamed, "let go of me!" 

"Oh we're gonna let you go," he said as he walked with me over his shoulder, "trust me. I'm done fighting you. When we get back I am going to take the rest of what I need and then you, Aelia, will go to the highest bidder."

The highest bidder? What does that mean? Are they- are they selling me? 

"This way we'll be able to get what we need next," he continued to talk, "just need the money first and I know you will get me everything I need." 

"No one is going to buy me!" I snapped, "are you crazy!" 

"Oh really?" he asked, "that's why I have people meeting us back at the house. You know, you are a special person and many don't like special people. We were atleast keeping you alive, can't say the same about who you're going to." I felt my heart sink. 

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