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The bell rang and I started to leave class. I headed to my locker and put my things away before heading outside to go home.

"Hey!" I heard Flint behind me, "dip shit! Turn around!" 

I turned around to face him. I knew I had a smirk on my face, I couldn't help it, I was angry. "What's up Flint?" I asked. I was trying to keep my cool but really... I wanted to bash his face in. 

"You better back off of Anna," he pushed me backwards, "I'm gonna get her back!" 

"You aren't gonna get near her," I glared. He stepped closer to me.

"She's mine," he stared back. 

"She's no ones," I took a step closer to him, we were inches away from each other, "and she deserves better than you. You aren't getting near her." 

"Who's gonna stop me?" he asked as he tried to push me back. I put my hands on his shoulders and shoved him backwards. 

"I am," I said angrily, "back down." 

"Back down?" he scoffed, "who do you think you are?" 

"I'm stronger than you," I glared, "and I will beat your ass right here, right now. I don't think you want that though, might hurt your ego." He looked at me for a few minutes and pushed me again. I was quick to throw the first punch... landing right on his cheek. He stumbled down to the ground and the others looked at me. 

"You- you stupid fucking-" he stood up and charged at me. I grabbed his jersey and threw him out of my way. Ray grabbed my shoulders and spun be around, hitting me in the face. I fell to the ground and he just got on top of me, hit after hit. I finally managed to stop his fist and bent it backwards. He cried out. 

"Cyprus!" Anna yelled out, "Ray stop! Get off of him!" 

"Anna go!" I yelled, "get out of here!" He hit me again with his other hand and I watched Flint stand up. He started to go towards her. "Get away from her!" I scolded, "Anna run!" Why isn't she running? She's like a deer in headlights right now. "Anna now!" I yelled. She looked at me again and then took a step back before running. Flint took off after her and once they rounded the building I couldn't see them anymore. I looked back at Ray and shifted the color of my eyes. It startled him enough to knock him off me. 

"What is all this ruckus out here?" a teacher walked around, "oh my god! Boys principal now!" I took off running around the building to find Anna. I could hear the teacher calling for me to come back but there was no way in hell I was stopping. 

"Stop!" I heard Anna cry out, "Flint get off!" I could hear her coughing, gasping for air. 

"You stupid bitch," he said, "why would you leave me! For- for-"

"She didn't leave for anyone but herself," I walked out and towards them, "get away from her, Flint. I won't say it again." He took his hands off her and turned to face me, smiling... almost laughing. 

"What are you going to do?" he asked, "you are weak. You are incapable. You can't beat me."

"I already beat you once," I warned, "I will do it again." 

"Stop right now!" the teacher ran down, "what the hell is going on here! Let's go! All three of you!" I walked over to Anna and grabbed her hand, gently pulling her in front of me.

"You okay?" I whispered. 

"He was choking me," she whimpered while shaking her head, "he-he had my throat. I couldn't breathe." 

"It's okay, you're safe now," I nodded, "he isn't gonna touch you again."

"What do you mea-" she went to ask. I didn't mean to cut her off, I wasn't expecting her to say anything. 

"Hey teacher man," I turned around to looked at him, "Flint had his hands around her throat. He was choking her. Might want to call the police." I looked up at Flint whose eyes were wide and cheeks were tomato red. 

"Is that true Flint?" the teacher spun around, "is that true young lady?" I turned to looked at Anna but I could tell she was scared. She was bouncing back between the teacher and Flint. 

"Yeah it's fucking true," I assured a bit louder, "he's done it multiple times. Anna I'm sorry, but this ends now. I'm done and I can't do anything else about it than get them involved."

"Alright alright well lets take this to the office," the teacher pointed, "lets go, come on."

Once we got there we all had to sit down and wait to be called in. Most of the kids got to leave. It was only me, Anna, Flint and Ray left by the end of it. 

"Alright so you want to tell me what happened?" Mr. Tucker asked. 

"Sure," I spoke first, "I was walking to meet Anna to head home after school when this guy here comes up, calls my name and started to talk shit." 

"Language Mr. Rite," he glared at me.

"He pushed me, I pushed him, he pushed me again so I threw the punch. He got up and ran at me, I threw him past me and then his friend here, Ray right? You decided to join in, took me to the ground and started to hit my face." I could feel the anger growing in me, "then he went after her, when I got him off and I ran to her, he was choking her. Do you understand me? Choking her. Hands around her neck." 

"Is this true Mr. Heron?" he asked, "and Ray? True?" Ray just put his head down and looked at his hands. Flint turned and looked past me to Anna, I continued to stare into his eyes. "Flint?" he asked again. 

"No it's not true," Flint looked back at me. 

"Anna?" he turned to ask her, "what can you tell me?" 

I could hear her heart racing, her hands were jittery. I set my hand on her knee and her attention shot to me. I nodded my head slowly and she took a deep breathe, turning to Mr. Tucker. 

"He-he uhm he chased me and when he grabbed me he threw me into the wall," she stuttered, "and he started to choke me. I-I couldn't breathe. I-" 

"Shut up you stupid bitch!" Flint lashed out, "shut your mouth!" 

"That's enough!" Mr. Tucker snapped, "Ray, ISS for the rest of this week and all of next week. Anna, go home. I'll be calling your dad. Cyprus, OSS for the rest of this week and next. Flint you stay with me." 

"What?" I asked, "are you serious?" 

"Wanna make it three weeks?" he asked. I sighed and sat back. "Now, get out of my office," he pointed. 

"What are you doing about him?" I asked. 

"Goodbye kids," he waved. The three of us walked out of his office. Ray walked straight through the doors to head outside. 

"Come here," I grabbed her and wrapped my arms tightly around her. She started to cry into my shoulder and all I could do was rub her back, "it's okay, everything's okay." I tried to listen to the two of them talking.

"Flint I'm gonna need to call your dad," he spoke, "he needs to know what happened and since your hands were put on her I have to call the authorities." 

"What!?" he yelled, "are you serious? The police? No, please don't call them." 

"I'm sorry," he repeated, "I have to."

"Please!" Flint pleaded, "it'll ruin my football career! Please!" 

"Come on lets go home," I nodded, "you can come with me. If you want?" She nodded her head and the two of us walked out of the school together.

"Thank you," she whimpered, "really, thank you." 

"You don't need to thank me," I smiled, "get on? I'll be quick." She hopped up onto my back and off I went.

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