Chapter 38

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Chapter 38
Ayumi's POV

Everything seems to be okay. When I heard that from Cade, all I could think about is Selene.

And I asked myself questions. Do I like him? If ever my bestfriend's not inlove with him, would I accept him in my life? Am I capable of liking or loving someone again?

Yet even if I had an answer, all I could think of is...

"No, Cade you can't." I said. Saying thos words made my heart ache.

Indeed I already liked him.

"What... Look Ayumi I'm not rushing you on anything okay? You don't have to answer now. I just wanted to express my feelings for you and wondered if I have a chance but if you can't as of now, it's okay I can wait."

At this moment, I just wanted this dance to end so I could already go home. I don't feel like partying at all.

A few minutes more and finally, the dance ended. And before the host could even speak, I just ran out of there and even bumped onto some people. I apologized to them in my mind. I really can't stay.

"Ayumi, wait please." I heard Cade but I did not look back.

I'm having mixed feelings right now. I don't want to hurt Selene, my bestfriend. How the hell am I suppose to keep this from her? My conscience would really eat me up!

She would be hurt. Selene would be hurt. It's like I have betrayed her. This is wrong, this is so wrong.

"Ayumi. Hey... did I do something wrong?" Cade managed to catch me here in their garden. Hindi naman ako pwede umuwi dahil wala naman sakin ang susi ng sasakyan.

Cade talked to me in a very calm way. Why is he like this? He's so kind, so soft, and that's what makes me crazy! Why does he have to show me his good side? Why does he have to give me that feeling of... like being safe with him. Like he's different from other guys?

"You can't like me Cade. No, stop whatever it is your feeling right now for me because you can't!—

"Why can't I?? You're the woman I like. You're the woman who I want to care for, who I wanna be with! I can see myself spending a lot of good times with you, going on dates with you, travelling the world with you! You are that girl. I don't need you to like me back in just a blink because I understand what you have been through. I may not know the whole story of your past but I do not need to know about it just to prove you I'm better because I really am! And I just need you to trust me and give me a chance."

Those were the most sincere words I have heard and if I could swear, he made me want to love again, to trust again which in I long time, I have feared for.

"I..." I tried to speak and tell him what I feel but suddenly, I saw Selene not too far behind Cade. I saw her exploring her eyes around the garden may be looking for us.

"I don't feel the same, Cade. And I don't wanna accept another guy in my life again. I... I just want flings. Not serious ones." I lied.

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