Chapter 47: A Dragons True Power

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Inside Shuten's Fortress (3rd Person Pov)

As Aether and Rayquaza travelled through the fortress's passageways, they noted how worn out the area was, with fragments of wood burnt across the floor and a slightly deformed ceiling.

Aether looked down at the walls and noticed bite marks on the walls, as well as mice racing about.

Aether: This place really has been here for a long time...

Rayquaza: Concentrate Aether, we need to find Kiara and get out of here, I'm not getting a good feeling about this place.

Aether: What do you mean? Is something bothering you?

Rayquaza: Yeah, I just feel like we're being watched by someone or something.

Aether: Watched? I see...

Aether walked up to a door then kicked it down much to Rayquaza's surprise.

Rayquaza: Aether?! What are you doing?!

Aether: Shuten was at the gate waiting for us, it doesn't take a genius to realise that they knew we were coming here.

Rayquaza: Now that you mention it, you're right...

Aether: Don't tell me you didn't realise...

Rayquaza shrugged.

Rayquaza: I'm a dragon God, what did you expect for me to be a detective?

Aether: This is why Pikachu is better...

Rayquaza's ears twitched as she angrily smiled at Aether

Rayquaza: What was that?

Aether: Let's go, I'm starting to pick up someone else's energy here.

Rayquaza: Where?

Aether looked around before pointing to a door at the end of the corridor.

Aether: Right there.

Rayquaza: Are you sure it's coming from there?

Aether: Positive.

Aether created an orb of fire in his hand, which he unleashed, watching it jet across to the door, destroying it and revealing the room within, which was the size of a typical bedroom, complete with a queen-sized bed, mirrors, and a wardrobe.

Both beings noticed a lady perched on the side of the bed looking at them with a smile, Aether narrowed his gaze while Rayquaza prepared her orbs.

Aether: I assume that's Kiara...

Rayquaza: There's no one else that can look exactly like that.

Kiara: Ara~ I've been waiting for you, Aether~.

Aether took a step forward until he suddenly froze as Kiara abruptly appeared behind him and Rayquaza.

Kiara: A bit too slow Aether~. Why don't you show me the power you used to destroy an entire dimension?

Rayquaza: Aether!

Rayquaza hit Kiara in the jaw, sending her slamming through many walls before coming to a halt.

Rayquaza: You need to concentrate Aether! Otherwise, you'll die!

Aether: She was fast... I didn't even see her move.

Rayquaza: I can just about keep up with her movements! I'll take the initiative and engage with her, you think of some way to deal with her!

Kiara: You'll engage with me you say? Do you really believe we're on the same level for you to engage in battle with me?

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