Chapter 30: W

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Issei's Home (Rias's Pov)

Currently, it was the morning of the day the Summit between the Devils, Fallen Angels, Angels and the Yokai was to be held and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

I was sat on the edge of Issei's bed completely naked as I thought of millions of different scenarios the Summit could end in

Issei: President?

Rias: Y-Yes?

I was dragged out of my thoughts by Issei who was changing putting on his school clothes.

Issei: You weren't moving for a while, is everything okay?

Rias: It's just the Summit, I'm unsure how it would go since our relationship with the Fallen Angels and the Angels is kind of shaky right now

Issei: What about the Yokai?

Rias: We have a stable relationship with the Yokai, in fact, Kuoh originally belonged to them but they gave it to us after coming to an agreement in negotiations

Issei: So the devils own this land now?

Rias: No, it still belongs to the Yokai but we do have the highest authority when they're not around 

Issei: I see...

Rias: The thing is...

Issei: Hm?

Rias: It's that Aether boy, brother said he won't try bringing him over to the devils since the Yokai will probably be reluctant to do so but I'm unsure what the leaders of the three factions would want to do about him

Issei: What's so special about Aether anyway? Everyone's been making a big deal out of him

Rias: It's his eyes Issei, it should be impossible to manifest a Tomoe'd Rinnegan but somehow that boy has one, although it's an inferior and incomplete one 

Issei: A Rinnegan... what is that?

Rias: The Rinnegan is reputed as the most exalted eye amongst the "Three Great Dōjutsu", the others being the Sharingan and the Byakugan. It is said that in the very beginning there was a man who manifested a Rinnegan which granted him powers beyond comprehension, they say he used his powers to destroy life and create life, they called this man the "Creator"

Issei: The Creator... so he's like a deity above all deities?

Rias: In essence, yes

Issei: I see... so I'm assuming nobody has ever manifested a Rinnegan after this man?

Rias: No, it was deemed impossible too

Issei: And yet for some reason, it manifested within Aether...

Rias: Exactly, I'm not sure why it's manifested within him but I'm afraid the entire Summit might be ruined all because of one boy 

Issei: Then what should we do?

Rias: I'm not sure Issei, I'm not sure


Kuoh Shopping Mall (3rd Person Pov)

Aether was walking through the shopping mall with Rayquaza following behind him, it was clear he wasn't concentrating on his surroundings as stared towards the ground lost within his own thoughts 

Rayquaza: (After Gaea spoke to him he left the house immediately and didn't go back for the entire night...)

Rayquaza glanced at the boy who even though wasn't concentrating at all still managed to weave in and out of citizens walking about in the mall

Lion Kings Offspring (Son of Artoria Pendragon x DxD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz