Chapter 22: Raiden Mei vs Observor Alpha

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Kyoto (3rd Person Pov)

Mordred: Hey Mother

Artoria looked at her daughter Mordred who was sat on the ground sweating after the training session Artoria just held

Artoria looked at her daughter Mordred who was sat on the ground sweating after the training session Artoria just held

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Artoria: What is it, Mordred?

Mordred: I've been observing the higher-ups in Kyoto and I can't help but notice that everyone is obsessed with Aether

Artoria: You noticed that?

Mordred: I found it strange that Aether was suddenly sent out on a training expedition so I've been observing all of you and I noticed that Aether seems to come up in every single conversation you all have

Mordred turns to look at Artoria who looked at her daughter with a nonchalant face

Mordred: What's this talk about a Tomoed Rinnegan and how come Aether has one? I thought the only two people to have it was the Creator who had the completed one and that one shinobi from Konoha

Artoria: I'm not sure why Aether has one but I can tell you that this "obsession" you think everyone has is justified

Mordred: Enlighten me

Artoria: Ever since he was born Aether had a great deal of power stored within him and I'm not talking the basic two times more than the average human, Aether had three different types of energy reserves within him

Mordred: Which are?

Artoria: Chakra, Ki and Mana

Mordred: So he basically had all the three main sources of energy within this body...

Artoria: Exactly which is why Aether is the perfect vessel for a being such as Enyo who stems from the Creator

Mordred: Enyo? I heard rumours but isn't she that primordial that attacked Kyoto a few years ago?

Artoria: She is

Mordred: Well then what does she have to do with Aether?

Artoria: As I said Aether is the perfect vessel for her

Mordred: Why?

Artoria: Originally Chakra, Ki and Mana were one and the same they went by the term Creative Force

Mordred: Creative... Force?

Artoria: Energy that can make the concept of life and creation was birthed from, in order for Aether complete his Rinnegan is to fuse all three energy reserves into one creating the Creative Force which the power of the Rinnegan feeds off

Mordred: Okay... but how does this make Aether the perfect vessel?

Artoria: Enyo has probably realised that Aether has the means to recreate the Creative Force and as a goddess of destruction, Enyo herself has access to Primordial Force which birthed the concept of time, space, death, matter and every other possible concept out there, in short Enyo wants Aether to recreate the Creative Force and complete his Rinnegan so that she can fully take over his body and fuse her own energy with him to become the Creator

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