Chapter 24: Their True Power

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Australia (3rd Person Pov)

Mei appeared in front of Himeko with a strike of lightning shocking the redhead as she took in the looks of Mei now comparing it to that of Mei when she was younger

Himeko: Is that you, Mei?

Mei clearly reacted in a positive manner to Himeko's voice, she turned around swiftly to spot Himeko hung on the wall

Mei: H-Himeko!

Mei rushed towards Hiemko then smashed the chains that had chained her to the wall letting the redhead drop down onto the ground

Mei: Are you alright?!

Himeko: Is that really you, Mei?

Mei: Yeah... this is me now...

Himeko: Heh, who would've guessed you would've become this strong...

Mei: Nevermind that! What's going on with you?! Your lifeforce is weakening and it feels as though something inside you is taking over

Himeko: Yeah... you never knew this but I'm a chikara hosting Moltres

Mei: (Just like Aether huh)

Mei grabbed Himeko's arm then slung it over her neck as she then wrapped her arm round Himeko's stomach, Mei suddenly stood up allowing Himeko to put all her weight on her

Himeko: I'm sorry... I have no energy right now

Mei: It's fine, I'll just make a vortex back to Kuoh

Himeko: Kuoh? We're not going to Kyoto?

Mei: Right now I can feel Yasaka in Kuoh so we'll be heading there

Himeko: I see...

Mei closed her left eye then snapped it open creating a vortex connecting their space to Kuoh

Mei closed her left eye then snapped it open creating a vortex connecting their space to Kuoh

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Mei: We should get going now

Mei was about to walk through the vortex when she was interrupted by missiles that blasted both her and Himeko into a wall

The interruption of Mei's technique caused the vortex to close up making her grit her teeth in frustration

Mei: You've got to be kidding... I thought I took care of you, how did you survive that explosion?!

Alpha and Zero appeared in both Himeko and Mei's sight, the two of them looking completely serious

Alpha: Don't think we'll let you get away so easily

Mei: Heh, how annoying...

Alpha: That should be my phrase

Alpha shifted her tentacles as one of them cracked itself open revealing to Himeko and Mei six bullet holes

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