Chapter 27: Himeko's Return

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Home (3rd Person Pov)

Aether was sat down in the living room with Tamamo, Yasaka, Gaea and Rayqauza whilst everyone else were spread out across the entire house minding their own business

Yasaka: First I'll say that you've impressed me Aether, I never expected you to master Divine Arts and I certainly didn't expect you to use a Heavenly Art

Tamamo: But what kind of Heavenly Art was that? I've never heard of it before

Gaea: That's because Aether created it on his own

Tamamo: He created it?

Yasaka: Well isn't this a pleasant surprise, I expected him to get stronger but I never expected him to create a Heavenly Art

Yasaka looked at Aether and gave him a warm motherly smile causing him to sheepishly smile back

Tamamo: And to think he would also gain a powerful ally in the process...

Tamamo eyed Rayquaza who was sat next to Aether with her eyes closed

Yasaka: It certainly is amazing but now we should speak about that Rinnegan that you've supposedly awakened

Aether: My Rinnegan huh...

Aether placed his right hand on his right eye recalling the events where Enyo released his power causing the Rinnegan to manifest

Yasaka: Do you think you can show it to us?

Aether: I probably can't

Yasaka: I see... why's that?

Aether: I have some... circumstances holding me back

Yasaka: You mean Enyo? The one sealed inside you?

Aether widened his eyes slightly clearly surprised that Yasaka knew of his problems

Aether: How do you-?

Yasaka: I'm the leader of the Yokai faction, did you really assume that I wouldn't find out sooner or later?

Aether: Fair point...

Yasaka: So I assume that it's because of Enyo that you're not capable of manifesting this Rinnegan willingly

Aether: Yeah... when I met her she stated she was suppressing my energy expenditure because of it

Yasaka: Hmm, I see...

Tamamo: So for you to manifest the Rinnegan both you and her must be in a life or death situation?

Aether: Most likely

Tamamo: I see... in that case

Tamamo stands up then cloaks her hand with mana before she walks up to Aether before raising her hand so that it was positioned right in front of his chest

Tamamo: We should just draw Enyo out of your body completely!

Both Aether and Gaea widened their eyes whilst Rayquaza within an instant had grabbed hold of Tamamo's wrist clenching it tightly

Tamamo: You-!

Rayquaza: Draw Enyo out of Aether's body you say? We don't even know what consequences performing such an action will have

Tamamo: The most that could happen? Worst case scenario is Enyo is freed and summons a black hole to absorb the entire earth

Rayquaza: Wrong, worst-case scenario is Aether dies...

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