Chapter 36: Kiyohime

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On the 10th September 2020, three days after Aether joined up and created Intrepid, news of Aether cutting ties with Kyoto spread throughout factions, some factions disregarded him as nothing but a nuisance whilst others sought out to find him and drag him over to their side however the main faction that had fallen into shock was none other than the Yokai.

Embarrassed Yasaka and the rest returned to Kyoto, Yasaka announced that she was taking a break and deemed that nobody should disrupt her and in the meantime, Artoria will be the temporary head of Kyoto since Tamamo was still suffering the effects from Morgan

With their main leader unsure of what to do and one of her advisors out of commission, the citizens of Kyoto began to feel a sense of unease in the atmosphere, a feeling that would soon be exploited by the likes of others

As of right now, Artoria had called a meeting with major figures within Kyoto and was currently sat in the meeting room with them all

Artoria: I'll be frank, it's not looking good for us right now

Miyamoto: As if that wasn't obvious enough

Raikou: The loss of Aether is a great one, not only did he have an outstanding amount of potential but he's also acquired a Rinnegan on top of all that untapped power, if he goes to the right person then they might be able to exploit all that power

Rosaria: ...

Artoria: All I can think of is Euthanasia but they're after the Chikara's and Aether has one within him...

Murasaki: Which instantly rules out Aether joining forces with them, but then, who would he be joining? Or is he planning on becoming a lone wolf?

Lisa: You don't suppose it has to do with Gaea's disappearance as well?

They turned to Lisa who was leaning against the wall looking out the window

Artoria: That's right... Gaea hasn't been seen since BB and this mysterious woman you keep described attacked...

Murasaki: So not only is Tamamo out of commission, but we've lost firepower within Aether and Gaea and even Ganyu isn't looking too good

Everyone shifts their attention onto Ganyu who has bandages wrapped around her vital areas along with an arm brace

Ganyu: I'm fine really...

Artoria: *Sighs* The situation isn't a likeable one but we'll have to make do, right now if I were in Euthanasia's shoes I'd attack Kyoto right now considering how much strength we've just lost

Miyamoto: But there's no reason for them to attack right? It's not like we have Aether anymore...

Lisa: That's what I thought at first however I don't think it's that simple, is it Artoria?

Artoria: ...Mordred told me she could feel Aether's presence

Raikou: She what?

Artoria: It's only natural, us Pendragons are naturally capable of feeling the presence of those we have strong bonds with

Miyamoto: So he is alive

Artoria: Yeah, but she also told me that his presence felt a little weaker as if someone had stolen his power

Ganyu: What does that mean?

Artoria: It means that Euthanasia succeeded in stealing Enyo's power but failed in taking it all

Miyamoto: So? What does it have to do with us?

Artoria: They're most likely coming here in search of energy that can not only sustain the wild power of Enyo but also make up for the energy they failed to get

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