Chapter 13: The Power of Two Conflicting Energies

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Gaea's Pocket Dimension (3rd Person Pov)

Aether: Gah!

An explosion occurred that sent Aether flying into the ground, he had bruises across his entire body and was clearly tired out 

Gaea: Try it again

Aether: Right!

Aether got up and stuck out his right hand as he then grits his teeth and started pouring mana into his palm until a gold orb appeared

Aether: Now's time to add the ki

Aether then poured his ki into the orb changing the colour from gold to silver however it then exploded right in front of him making him crash down onto the ground 

Aether: Damn!

Gaea: You're getting there

Aether: It feels like I haven't made progress at all

Gaea: Haven't you noticed? Within 3 days you've managed to simultaneously contain them within an orb now all you need to do is fuse them together

Aether: That's the problem, every time I try to fuse them it just explodes

Gaea: Do it again, let me see

Aether doesn't reply he just sticks out his hand and forms a ball of ki

Aether: I'm going to add the mana now

Aether started to pour his mana into it as Gaea noticed that his golden coloured mana started to swirl around the orb from the outside and from within a smaller silver orb was created

The silver colour then started to grow larger and larger before all of a sudden Gaea saw something that made her widen her eyes however before she could speak on the matter the orb had turned fully silver and had once again exploded within Aether's palm

Aether: This is pointless! It's practically impossible to fuse ki and mana!

Gaea: No, you're wrong, in fact, you've already started to fuse them

Aether: Huh? What do you mean?

Gaea: I mean that the silver orb that you've been creating is a totally new energy that we haven't seen, the only reason it keeps on exploding is it's not compatible with just raw ki and mana

Aether: I don't understand, speak in English, please

Gaea: *Sighs* What I'm saying is the energy you're creating cannot have ki and mana within it when it's been formed

Aether: But it utilises ki and mana right? So why can it not have ki and mana?

Gaea: Think of your energy as if its atoms, now imagine your ki and mana are two different atoms that once they fuse together they create a totally new atom, now just imagine what would happen when your ki or mana tries to join that new atom

Aether: An imbalance of energy will occur

Gaea: You've caught on quicker than I expected, that's right an imbalance of energy occurs 

Aether: Then how do I create this energy without causing an imbalance to occur

Gaea: That's something I cannot help you with

Aether: Huh? Why not?

Gaea: Not even I have tried creating a new form of energy before, this is something new to even me

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