Traded- (Angst - Grian - Siblings AU part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Hi Mumbo! That was quick!" I chirp as I turn towards the man. But my smile falls as the man standing in front of me in not Mumbo, rather a knight in all black, holding a shimmering black sword. My eyes go wide as I begin stumbling backwards, but he was faster. He grabs the collar of my hoodie and lift me off my feet, the fabric of my sweater digging into the base of my wings, preventing me from slipping out.

"If you obey, you aren't going to get more hurt than necessary."

Fear causes my vision to go red as I shake uncontrollably. The man just smiles under his helmet before dragging me to the boat nearby and roughly shoving me in.

I comply and immediately curl up into myself as tears stream down my face. I can hardly breath as all I can think about is that night, 7 years ago, as I was taken from my family. And this time I don't even get to see them one last time.

Tango POV-

Mumbo: Tango! Grian's gone. Come to his base immediately. No time to explain.

I start at my phone for a moment, processing the words I had just read.

Grian can't be gone. We just got him back. He must have just gone out or something.

But he never leaves his island without someone.

My hand drops to my side before adrenaline finally fills my vein. I immediately turn and begin running towards Grian's home. It's a long run, but I don't let up even as my lungs begin burning. By the time I reached the water's edge, my legs were about to give out and I could barely breathe, but I didn't take a moment. I simply hop into the boat pegged to the sand, kicking the peg as I pushed the boat into the surf.

As I pulled up to Grian's home, I notice Mumbo pulling at his hair nervously. His eyes widened as he saw me struggle to get out of the boat, my entire body sore from running and then rowing.

"Tango!" Mumbo sounded panicked so I quickly run over to him as he begins talking way too fast to understand before shoving a paper in my hand. I don't even bother asking him to repeat himself as I glance at the paper below me.

A gasp escapes my lips as I drop the paper in fear.

He found me.

I felt my heart rate spike as I stare at the paper on the floor, the blood red sword stamp stark against the white. I don't even have to read it to know what it says.

Tears had filled my eyes as I look up to Mumbo, "I know where he is." My voice was barely more the whisper as cold fear filled my bones.

"And, and I know what he wants."

At this moment, a swish of purple caught my eye as Xisuma stepped out of an admin portal. He glances at Mumbo, who must have called him, and me before following my eyes to the paper, "Tango..." his voice was soft, as to not set me off.

But my body was already shaking, fear for Grian and fear of my past filling my bones.

A hand touches my shoulder but I flinch away, my panicked eyes searching for X's behind his visor.

"I have to get him back..."

"Tango, I understand, but..."

"NO BUTS X! I JUST GOT HIM BACK!" My voice was loud, but still shaking as I yelled at Xisuma, tears pouring down my face.

X just nodded, turning to Mumbo, "Thank you Mumbo. You can go. Please inform False."

Turning back to me, X reached his hand into nothing, his arm up to his elbow disappearing in a pocket of space before retracting to reveal a shining star.

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