Chapter 57~ Amelia

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It's been a 2 months and 5 days, I have been observing the guards and their routine, I have gathered that the same two guards come to check up on us every few hours than at night a single guy comes in the room collecting the buckets.

I have this ache in my stomach that makes me throw up every time, I think I might be down with something, Jeremy thinks it's because of the lack of food. 

I have analysed their behaviour and strategies, the guy that took us comes every other week, he does stuff to me that I don't like and Jeremy is knocked out when he comes cause last time he threw a bucket at him when he touched me and that made him angry so now they knock him out and the guy touches my breasts and thighs and slaps my ass.

I fight him but he's too strong so he over powers me ever time, he takes off my clothes and sits down on a chair and makes me sit down on him as he plays with my breasts and sucks on them, when I don't do as he says I get beaten up till I obey, and when I move off of him he yanks me by my hair and last time he slashed my inner thigh with his pocket knife and on my neck.

He sometimes takes off his belt and hits my back with it. Today I have a plan though, I'm pretending to sleep and waiting for the guy who picks up our buckets at night to do his job.

The door opened and some light is shown through and the guy comes in, I left my bucket next to me so he'll come here, last time Namjoon was here I stole his pocket knife and hid it in the cracks of the room.

When the man is close enough I take out the knife and shove it in his neck making him choke on  his own blood, I looked in his eyes as the life disappears from them than his limp body hits the ground, "Amelia," I turned around and Jeremy is sitting straight looking at me with wide eye, "I had to do something," I whispered, I pathed his pockets and found a phone, two of them, one looks like work phone and the other looks like his own phone, his work phone might have a bug in it so I took his own phone and unlocked it with his thumb.

"What you doing, shouldn't we be escaping?" Jeremy asks as he crawled next to me on the floor, "We don't know what's out there, and we are not in a stable condition to fight so I'm calling Niko," I explained "Do you know where we are?" he asked and I shook my head "Nope but I will send him a live location, go hide the body," I ordered him "Hide the bo- where do you expect me to hide it?" Jeremy exclaimed, "Somewhere anywhere, just do something," I said as I heard the phone ring.

"Hello, who is this," Niko's harsh voice filled my ears, I almost cried at the sound, "Who ever this is, I don't have the time," he sounds tiered "Niko," I called out weakly "Lia?" he asked and I nodded with a smile as tears are pooling my eyes, "Yes," I said remembering he can't see me, "Baby, is it really you?" he asked sounding happy "yes, I'm sending you our location," I said opening a chat.

"How are you calling?" he asked "I killed the owner of this phone," he chocked on something "You killed a man?" he asked but he doesn't seem disgusted he seems... Proud almost, "Yup, to survive," I said and he chuckled, "You're so fucking smart," he said and sent him the location "hurry, Niko, please." I pleaded and he said ok and told me that he misses me than we hung up.

"It's done," Jeremy said, and I looked up seeing him out of breathe, "But I think someone almost caught me," he said so I hid the phone in the crack of the wall and the other phone with it before an angry man stormed in, our capturer, "You fucking bitch," he roared, "Inject him," he ordered pointing at Jeremy, he fought back and punched them with his fists together and they punched back, they put up a really good fight.

The guy just looked at me probably thinking of all the things he will do, "Don't you fucking hurt her," Jeremy said from the floor as some men are on top of him holding him down on his stomach "Don't do anything to her, don't hurt her," he yelled as the syringe is injected in his neck "Close your eyes, Amelia, just close your eyes, just-" his eye lids fluttered closed and he fell limp they kicked him onto his back and left leaving the two of us in the room.

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