Chapter 28~ Amelia

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I have been going from shop to shop trying to find something for Niko's birthday. I found nothing. While the others already got him something.

Nolan got him a knife collection Niko had his eye on.

Noah bought him a gun and a matching shirt for him and Niko to share, one had a high SpongeBob with red eyes and smoke all around and the other a high Patrick with a gun and smoke everywhere too, we all laughed about that.

Jeremiah bought him another car, a red sports car with tinted windows.

Luca bought him the newest edition laptop, it's supposed to be high tech.

Vincent bought him a new suit from Armani and a new ring and shoes that match the suit and a necktie.

Rio bought him a Rolex and the latest phone that came out.

While Irene bought him something she wouldn't let me see and some kind of cigar that she knows he likes.

Everyone knows what he likes but I don't, it's not fair.

"Amelia, you have to buy him something, anything," Irene pleaded bored out of her mind, "I don't know what to buy him, I don't know what he likes," I explained, "Well we know one thing he likes for sure," Noah said.

"And what's that?" I asked "Sex," Luca responded, "What am I gonna do with that he already has sex when he wants it, I can't buy him that," I said "No, but you can do something, dress up buy things he can use on you," Rio explained.

Things he can use on me?

"Like what?" I asked and they all widened their eyes "Guy, she was a virgin before marrying Niko, she doesn't know much," Vince said placing a hand on my shoulder and they all nodded, "Hey, I know stuff," I defended, "Sure Hunny," he said but I could tell he didn't believe me.

"I'll show you stuff," Vince said, "All of you stay here, Irene come with us, we'll be back," Vince said placing his bags next to the guys that were now sitting on a bench. He grabbed my hand and rushed us towards a sex shop with Irene ahead of us.

When we walked in I was met by manikins in lingerie and there were lots of stuff I didn't understand, how the hell they worked thank god I had Irene and Vince.
"Let's start with lingerie," Vince said, there are a lot, different sizes, textures, different colours and different styles.

"What's Niko's favourite colour?" Vince asked, "I don't know," I answered, "You want me to call him?" I asked looking at him "Call him while we look through the stuff."
I took out my phone and dialled his number. I don't call him much the only time I called him was when I went to get Irene from the airport, it feels so long ago.

"Hello?" I deep voice said bringing me out of my memory "Hey, Niko," I said tucking a hair behind my ear "Lia? What's wrong? Is everything ok?" he sounds panicked "Everything is fine," I assured him.

I heard him sigh, "What's your favourite colour?" I asked before he said anything else, there was a long pause. I anxiously bit my bottom lip "Why?" he asked "I just need to know," I replied "Um... Blue," he said "Ocean blue," he specified, "Great, thanks, and happy birthday," I said before hanging up.

"Blue," I told Vince and he nodded, "Oh ocean blue," I said what he said "Ok the specific the better," Irene said as she fished out some blue pieces.

"One piece or two-piece?" Irene asked, "I think One piece so it would be both easy and hard to take off," Vince answered, they talked about it leaving me out which I was glad cause I don't think my cheeks could turn anymore red with the way they were talking.

I walked around the shop a little looking at all the things on display, there were lots of stuff, some big some small some in a weird shape and had weird things coming out of it.

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