Chapter 36~ Amelia

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I woke up thirsty.

I looked at the clock on my wall and saw it was only three in the morning as I tried to get up but Niko's hand caged me, I slowly lifted his hand off of me and slowly made my way to the door without waking him up.

The house is quiet, there are some guards scattered around and the house is just like how I remembered it, cold, very cold. The robe I had put on is thin and is doing nothing to keep me warm.

Last night Niko and I slept naked even though we didn't have sex, my room was always so cold but the heat that came off of Niko's body made me feel warm unlike those other nights when I used to sleep here.

I went down stairs and into the kitchen for something to drink, I turned on the light and wince. The light blinding me, I opened the fridge and took out a  bottle of water, I sat on the stool and took a sip.

I placed my face in my hands sighing, I'm really hungry, last night I barely ate and my favourite dress lost a button.

I know it's not because of my fat like father said but he still got inside my head like he always does.

I jumped by the feeling of a warm hand on my shoulder, I spun around and almost tripped as I got up, "Hey, relax, it's just me," Niko said, I looked up at him and sighed, "What are you doing down here?" he asked and I pointed at the water bottle.

He kissed my head and my cheek than down my neck, he grabbed my waist and the back of my thigh and lifted me up on the table, "I'm hungry," he said against my lips, "Eat," I simply said but he chuckled, "Not for food, Amore," he said and I felt my neck heat up all the way to my ears, "Oh," was all I managed to say.

He kneeled down and spread my legs open, I'm still naked underneath so it's easier for him.

He grabbed my thighs from behind and pulled me to his hungry mouth, his lips wrapped around my clit and sucked, I moaned and fisted his hair.

I held my hand on top of the island behind me and threw my head back moaning out his name, fuck fuck fuck, he thrusted his tongue inside me and flicked it, I moaned loudly.

He stopped and looked up at me "If you don't want the whole house to know what we're doing in here I suggest you moan quietly," he said and I blushed with embarrassment, he buried his head back between my legs and sucked.

I can feel the orgasm close with every flick of his tongue and the pressure of his thumb on my clit moving every so often.

But before I could release someone called out my name, I turned around when I heard it the second time, I saw my sister with her teddy in her hands looking at me, "Nora," I gasped fisting Niko's hair and pulling him away, "What the fuck Lia," he said standing to his full height.

He looked over my shoulder and his eyes widened.

"Why is she up?" he asked looking at me, I jumped down and rushed to Nora, "Hey, why are you up?" I asked her lifting her up in my arms, "I couldn't sleep and then I heard noises so I wanted to check what it was and saw you in here," she said, fuck Niko was right I was loud, fuck.

"Let's go back to bed," I told her and held her close as she put her head on my shoulder, I can feel Niko behind me as I walked to her room, I opened her still pink room and placed her on the bed.

I tugged her in and kissed her head muttering goodnight, I turned off the lamp and walked over to Niko who is leaning against the door frame  with his hands crossed, he grabbed my waist when I was close enough and looked into my eyes.

"You look so sexy when you're talking care of your sister," he said and I smiled lazily, we walked back to my bedroom and I took off the robe, it's not comfortable sleeping in it.

I took out a night dress and was about to wear it, "No, don't," Niko said "I'm not gonna stay naked," I said but he grabbed the dress and threw it on the floor before pushing me on the bed, he is naked too his boxers gone.

He crawled up in my bed and held me to him my front against his but my hands are caged between our bodies, "You look hot as a mother with mini me's running around," he said kissing my nose, "One day I will give you children," I said "How about now?" he asked and my smile faded, "What?" I asked "Yeah, I want to put a baby in you."

"Babies are a lot of responsibilities, Niko, you have to be prepared, you have to want them not because you think I will look hot as a mother," I said and he shrugged a shoulder "How hard can they be?" he asked, is he serious? I pulled away to look at him, "Are you joking?" I frowned.

"Their not as hard, you just have to feed them play with them and give them your tit so they'll shut up," he said and I sat up straight his hand falling off of my side, "Niko, have you forgotten that they need attention 24/7?" I asked, "Yeah but then we'll have helpers to help," he shrugged again.

"Niko, it's not easy to raise children you need patience, time and energy," I said and he sat up straighter resting his back against the wall, "I'll help you take care of them," why is he saying 'them' like we will have a lot?

"Niko do you know how painful childbirth is?" I asked, "Do you know it could ruin my body? Do you know there are 9 months of pain and I can't eat everything?" I asked he blinked at me "Yeah it will hurt but we will do it together," he grabbed my wrist.

"No, Niko, you're a man you don't have to feel the pain a woman goes through so you can't say things like that like you know how it feels because you don't, and you don't have to wake up every time the baby cries or if it dies inside me people will blame the mother and I'm still 18, I can barely take care of myself."

"Lia, I'm sorry, I didn't know, but you won't have to raise it alone I will be with you and wake up if I have to and if you'd like I'll give them my nipples," he shrugged holding my waist, I laughed "You would?"

I asked and he nodded "Yeah, and if they cry you wouldn't here them cause you're a heavy sleeper so I have to wake up either way," I am a heavy sleeper.

But still, Not right now, "We've been married not less then 6 months, calm down," I said and he chuckled and kissed my cheek, "Come on let's sleep tomorrow is the wedding you need a good sleep," he said and it's true.

"Yeah, if I have to keep up with my family I need all the sleep I could get and a shot of tequila," I said, he chuckled again and we cuddled together and drifted off to sleep.


Short chapter I know I'm sorry but the next chapter is from Niko's point of view. 


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