Chapter 21~ Amelia

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Hi before you read this chapter I just want to say that when I was looking through the chapters I found out that I accidentally made two chapters the same so this one is the one before chapter 22 so sorry you guys.

"You don't need that many blankets," Niko said from behind me, "I do, so I'll win, pumpkin," I gave him a wink over my shoulder, I heard him groan at the pet name, pumpkin, "But that's cheating," he argued when I took my fifth blanket out of the closet.

"We never said that I had a limit," I shrugged walking away with the mountain of blankets covering my face, "You're going to trip," he said grabbing some blankets making me see again and I almost bumped into a wall, "You didn't have to help me, I am capable of doing stuff on my own," I said walking to the sofa.

"You're so stubborn," he mumbled under his breath, I decided to ignore that comment, I threw everything on the sofa and went back inside to get the pillows. Niko following me everywhere I go helping me with the stuff.

I did the sofa and placed the pillows there too, finally, I'm done with everything and I have to say it does look cosey, I'm going to win this bet, suck it Niko, the room was filled with a white light followed by a loud sound making me snap my head to the window, it was raining, it was raining heavily.


"It's raining," I stated looking at the water drops hitting the window and the trees moving with the wind and the sound of wind and thunderstorms are heard from everywhere, damn, I rushed over to the phone and dialled Cade's number.

He gets scared of storms like these, he gets panicked and stuff, something about some trauma he has, at home I would usually sleep next to him singing the song my mother sings to me to help with the nerves.

But I'm not there.

I think back home is like here.

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

"Lia, I'm going to check on some damages around the house I'll be right back," Niko said kissing my cheek before walking to the doors with a coat in hand, after a few rings Cade's heavy breath filled my ears.

"Cade, are you ok?" I asked with a panicked voice, "Amelia," he gasped breathing heavily, "It's ok, Cade just breath, it's going to be ok," I tried to calm him down, "It's ok, come on," I closed my eyes falling on the floor next to the window.

You carry both,

Lightning and thunder,
In the space between,
Your bones and soul,
Become the storm you are hiding from,
A hurricane does not,
Run from the rain.

I started to sing the song and shortly after he continued from the 3rd verse. His breathing calmed "Are you ok?" I asked again, songs help us calm down, unlike Nora who is much more like our dad, not necessarily in a bad way, Cade and I get anxious very easily and over think and over analyse everything. Since we came before Nora, father expects very highly of us.
With Cade being his first born and me being his first daughter.

That's probably because Cade and I have been through a lot of shit, being only 3 years apart, but Nora is the youngest and I think she's more dad favourite.

We still love her but she has it easy.

"Yeah, I'm fine now," he answered my previous question "It's raining there too?" I asked "Yeah," he let out a breath laugh, "Thanks Mel," he said and I smiled "No problem," I said, "You were probably getting fucked and I cock booked you huh?" his tone laced with humour.

Piece of shit.

"Shut up, I wasn't," I said rolling my eyes, he chuckled, "I thought you go at it like rabbits all the time," I got up huffing, "You thought wrong, I'm not even going to sleep in the same bed as him tonight," I said walking over to the sofa, now my new bed, and sat down lifting all the blankets and covered myself making myself warm.

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