Chapter 42~ Domenico

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Those fucking Koreans.

They think they can get away with stealing my drug cartel and weapons? Hell fucking no.

But what made me want to rip their heads off was threatening my wife, how dare they? We got into a really big fight, guns going off some injured some dead.

Some taken and some are probably being tortured but I don't care right now I need to see my beautiful wife, I probably should clean up first but with all the blood I lost I can't think straight, I have to see her.

It's stupid of me for being like this over a fucking woman but I can't help it.

I wonder if she even thought about me like I thought about her.

I had to climb the stairs for our room cause the elevators won't work till morning, I'm too paranoid.

I opened the doors with the key since I locked them before I went out and Rory started to bark, a little bark though, she doesn't know how to bark yet, I went next to the dog patting her head.

I must have lost way too much blood for me to be doing this.

The tv is on showing the movie of Captain America poster and the description and stuff, a bowl of popcorn  and a soda on the coffee table, huh I guess she wasn't that fazed about  me leaving.

There's this kind of sensation in the pit of my stomach when I think that I wasn't on her mind like she was on mine.

A movement made me jump, Lia is sleeping on the sofa a book on her face and a blanket covering her body as she softly snores.

Well at least she's sleeping right.

I was about to pick the book from her face when a drawing caught my eye, I have no doubt this was inspired by our hug earlier, I don't know why I did it, I just felt like it, it's been so long since I hugged a girl like that.

June really messed me up.

I picked up the book from her face seeing she's half way through the book, I placed a piece of paper between the pages so she won't loose the page before turning back to her.

My heart clenched when I saw Lia's cheeks damp and red, her eyes puffy and her long lashes wet with her lips red parted slightly, was the book sad? was it me?

Part of my hoped it was me.

I'm really fucked up.

Someone really needs to stitch me up right now, I'm loosing too much blood from the wound that fucker gave me from his knife which resulted to him getting his head blown off.

I mover her hair out of her face caressing her wet cheek with my thumb, her bottom lip started to tremble, her eyes closed tightly as tears started to fall down her lashes, "Niko," she whispered sniffling.

She's dreaming about me.

I kissed her head and her eyes started to open slightly, I sat next to her and she jumped with a gasp, she's breathing fast "What's wrong, little wife?" I asked and something in her eyes flickered than her body was crushing mine.

Her hands locked at the back of my neck as she straddles my lap, she's hugging me, we're hugging, this is a hug.

When it finally registered in my head that this is a hug I wrapped my hands around her, it feels wired to hug after so long, when I first hugged her it felt so natural, I don't know what's different about this one.

In my mind it keeps telling me that this isn't June, she's not her, she's not her, she's not her, she can't hurt you like she did.

This is Lia, Lia, Lia, Lia.

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