Chapter 1~ Amelia

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      Twisting my pencil between my fingers not paying any attention to what Mr Jones is saying, I feel myself drift off to a daydream, but I didn't get the chance when someone called out my name.

      I looked up and saw Mr Jones looking at me "Can you answer this question, Ms Perez?" he asked folding his hairy arms against his chest "In which year was John F. Kennedy assassinated?" he asked, shit umm... "... Is it 1963?" I asked and he seemed pleased "That is correct, Ms Perez, now pay attention,"

      I sighed out of relief, History class is not my favourite but I'm good with dates so I guess that is great on my part, "Hey, Amelia," Amanda whispered from beside me, I looked at her and she passed me a note pointing to Charles who was looking at me. I grabbed the note and made sure no one was looking at me before unfolding the paper, it read:

      Hey Amelia,
      Do you want to hang out after school?

      This dude has had a crush on me since 5th grade, I always turned him down, he just doesn't get the hint, I rolled my eyes and crumbled up the paper and placed it in my bag, I looked back at him and now he has a scowl on his face.


      "Alright, class dismissed," I heard Mr Jones say, finally, I packed my bag and went out of the classroom with the rest of the students, I opened my locker and placed some books in before it slammed close, it startled me but I knew who it was. Charles.

      "What do you want?" I asked turning around only to be met by his chest, "I could give you the world I could buy you anything you want, I will love you how you should be loved, give me a chance,"

      I want to gag "Charles, please go bug someone else, I'm not interested, there is Abigale go fuck her again," I said pointing at the blondie who is looking at us, "You will be mine one day, Amelia," he said before leaving, "Doubt that," I said to myself turning to my locker again.

      Father would have his head if I went out with him or anyone, he doesn't want me to date, he says I have to save myself for marriage, that doesn't mean I never had a secret boyfriend, but all we did was make out at the back of their car or in the bathrooms, but it's not like I had a lot.

      I closed my locker and headed for the school entrance where everyone is going, "Bye, Amelia," Amanda waved at me, and I waved back. I saw my driver parked outside the gate, he got out of the car once he saw me and opened the door for me, "Ms, Amelia," he bowed his head "Hey, Daniel," I smiled at him and he smiled back.

      I got in the back seat and he began to drive, I looked out the window seeing students in their uniform going back home with a friend or alone. The drive back home was quiet, "Daniel, can you turn on the radio?" I asked the driver and he nodded putting on a random song.

      "Thanks," I smiled at him through the rear-view mirror and he returned it with a small smile before looking ahead again.

      I closed my eyes a little and before I knew it, we were already at the house, I must have fallen asleep, the big white gates opened and we went into the driveway of my family's mansion, I got out and walked through the large double doors and was greeted by our butler who took my coat.

      I went upstairs to my room, I walked in and jumped on my bed releasing a big sigh, the door opened and in came my little sister Nora in her pretty white dress and pigtails tied with ribbons, "Hey, flower," I picked her up and placed her on my lap "Hi, Amelia," she said in her cute high voice.

       "You look very pretty," I told her and she blushed "Mother wants to talk to you," she said and I nodded getting up placing her on my hip as I went downstairs into her garden where she spends most of her time, I placed Nora down and she ran into the maze of roses, I saw my mother in her cream dress with her long straight brown hair moving with the wind as she sat on her chair looking at her flowers.

      "Hey, ma," I sat next to her, "Hello Amelia," she said but her jolly tone is not there, I looked at her and her eyes are puffy and her nose is red "Are you sick?" I asked but she shook her head "Did father hit you again?" I asked but yet again she shook her head, "Then what happened?" I asked grabbing her hand.

      She turned her head to look at me, "Mama, you're scaring me now, what's wrong?" I asked in a worried tone "Your father, he... he wants you to marry," she said and my heart dropped, "What?" my jaw is hanging "I'm sorry, I tried to reason with him, but you know your father when he says something he sticks to it, I'm so sorry," she sobbed.

      "I can't believe this, where is he?" I asked "Amelia, please don't make your father mad," she sobbed "I won't, is he in his office?" she nodded and I got up kissing her cheek before walking out of the garden and into the house.

      I went up the stairs and stood in front of the wooden oak double doors, I knocked and after a few seconds some maids opened the door I walked in and saw my father on his chair all high and mighty with his hair gelled back sipping a brown liquid from a square glass.

      "Amelia," he said looking at me "I assume you heard," he said with a grin, how did he- "You don't come in here unless I tell you to and I didn't," he explained, he's right, I'm terrified of this room, bad memories.

      "Am I really going to get married?" I asked, "You are, it's time to fulfil your role as a daughter," he said "But I'm only 18," I told him "Exactly, you have become of age," he said sipping his drink "But father you can't do this," I said feeling my eyes sting "I can and I did, you will get married and that is final Amelia," he snapped.

      "Who is he?" I asked blinking away the tears "Domenico Antonio Giuliano," he said looking at his computer "Giuliano?" he nodded with a smirk, he runs the most feared mafia in the whole world, his mafia is on top, I have heard many stories from my mother and my brother about what he does to people, I'm going to be married to the Domenico Giuliano.

      Kill me, kill me now.

      "You will be New York's problem now, not mine," he said with a straight face, "But dad-" he slammed his hands on the table "Enough! You will get married to him and finish the alliance if it's the last thing that you will ever do," I flinched away as he threw the glass at me shattering into pieces next to me, glass flying everywhere.

      "Leave, and enjoy the last few days you have in here, cause in 3 days you will be gone,"

      3 days? Father really wants me gone as quick as possible.

      I hurried out and ran to my brother's room seeing him on his bed watching tv, I slammed the door behind me "The fuck you want Amelia?" he said not looking at me, I sniffed and that seemed to grab his attention.

      "Amelia, what's wrong?" he asked getting up and pulling me close to him, "I'm going to get married," I said against his shoulder. "You what?" he snapped pulling me away from him, "Father said I have to marry," I sniffed, "To who?" he asked in a concerned tone "The one and only Domenico Giuliano," I said and his face dropped and his blue eyes bulged.

      "Domenico?" he whispered and wiped under my eyes, "It's ok, you're going to be ok, I will help you," he said "Help me? With what?" I asked "I will teach you what you need to know, I will help you," he assured and I nodded.

      This shit is really messed up, what kind of father gives away his daughter. 



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