He squeezes her tightly. "I can tell." He gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Love looks good on you sweetheart. Reminds me of Granny and I."

"You think she would've liked him?"

Pops gives her a funny look. "I'd have had to keep her hands off of that man," he chuckles out. Opal hides her face behind her hand as she laughs. "Your Granny would love him because of how he has made you feel. That's all that has ever mattered to both of us."

Chris interrupts the photo session to grab Opal by the arm, pulling her to join him. "Are you avoiding your turn in the spotlight Miss Lucas?" Opal can't help but roll her eyes at him, the smile still covering her lips.

She had felt herself beam with such pride as Chris stood in front of her, straight faced, staunch and strong, as she followed the Chief's instructions during the ceremony, completing her undeserving job of pinning his newest label onto his uniform. She spent the whole time smiling up at Chris, while watching his greatest performance of not smirking but remaining solid, keeping his emotions in check. But once the ceremony ended, all bets were off the table as he couldn't help but look delighted as he enjoyed this moment with his family.

Lisa is instructing the both of them for photos as Chris leans down to Opal's ear, his breath tickling her skin. "Thank you."

  She looks back at him, confusion covering her features. "What for?"

  "Making this one of the greatest days of my life," he tells her as he tucks her hair behind her ear. Opal can't control the blush his words have caused her, unsure if she even wants to. This moment is just a bit too perfect.

Multiple officers from his shift were also in attendance as well.  "Try to take it easy on us lowly peons," Cooper requests with a slap to Chris' back.

Chris couldn't help but chuckle. "Maybe you should take the test and join me."

The surrounding officers laugh as Cooper adamantly shakes his head. "No one wants this guy in charge of anything," Janie teases, her hands resting on the holster belt around her waist.

"Exactly!" Cooper agrees with his on again off again girlfriend. "You about to start shift?"

  Chris looks over to where Opal is sitting, lost in conversation with Scott and Pops. "Not today. They all leave in the morning. I'll drop them off at the airport then head over here."

  "Well, we better go. See ya tomorrow, man. Tell Opal we said goodbye," Cooper says with a farewell handshake.

  "Hang on!" Janie walks over to Opal and Scott before rounding up the rest of the group. "You didn't get a photo of the whole family," she insists before moving them all back towards the station's painted wall.

  Chris moves to stand in the middle with his mom on one side of him. Opal and Pops take their place on the end. That is until Chris reaches across his mother to grasp Opal's hand moving her to his other side, leaving his hand on the small of her back.

  "Chris, your family should surround you," she says under her breath, only for him to hear.

  "I already told you," he looks back at her, lovingly, "you are my family."


  Chris POV

  The afternoon of the ceremony included a nap for Pops, returning emails and calls for Opal, and another tourist adventure for my parents and Scott. I figured I'd join my parents for a bit, giving Opal plenty of peace and quiet to take care of things for the Inn. 

  What I'd not expected was the phone call I received two hours into the afternoon.

  "I need to talk to you."

  "I'm on my way," I responded before hanging up.

  I return to the hotel, heading with purpose directly to the third floor, stopping to knock on room 310.

  "Are you alright?" I ask Pops as he opens the door. He nods his head before opening it wider allowing me entrance to his room.  "Does Opal know you called me?"

  Pops smiles as he sits down in one of the chair by the small table. "No, she doesn't. And if it's alright, officer, excuse me, Sergeant, I'd rather her not."

  I cock my head a bit to the side, perplexed by what this conversation could be that he doesn't want Opal to know about it. "You've got me a bit worried, sir. I'm not a big fan of keeping things from her."

  "Oh, relax! It's not like it's life and death."  I take a seat across the table from him, my hand resting on the table as I wait for whatever information he has to tell me.

  "What are your intentions with my Ope?"

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