Ch. 6 - Women Be Women

Start from the beginning

"I understand..." Jackie answered.

Taking a deep breath, I then tapped the top of the bar counter as an end to our conversation. Fixing the scowl on my face, I gave her a small smile and headed back towards the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor.

When I entered Aleksandr's office, I immediately knew that something was off. His brow was slightly creased while he sat behind his desk staring intently at the drink in his hand.

"Rough night?" I asked.

"I had a little chat with Jade earlier," he answered with a sigh.

"Ah! Say no more!"

Not wasting any time, I headed towards the mini bar located in the corner. I quickly poured myself some vodka and immediately downed the contents in one go, enjoying the burn before pouring myself another serving.

Raising an eyebrow at my movements, Aleksandr probed, "And you? Judging by your knuckles I assume it was a typical Wednesday night?"

"Yes and no."


"Natasha almost shot me in the parking lot..." I groused.

Aleksandr choked on a laugh, "Again? Damn what's that five times now? What the fuck did you do this time?"

Turning to face him, I scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"Let me guess, you snuck up on her again? You know she doesn't like that..." Aleksandr reminded me as if I could forget such a thing.

"But I didn't do anything!"

"Uh huh... Come now, Seryozha, you know very well that you've always had a talent for pissing people off, especially women," he commented with a wink.

"Sasha?" I said dryly.


"Fuck you!" I hissed, dropping myself into one of the chairs in front his desk.

"Not tonight, not in the mood," he joked before bringing his glass to his mouth.

His playful tone reminded me of all the times we had fooled around. Where our sexuality was concerned, Aleksandr and I did not really conform to labels. Of course, within the mafia world certain appearances were expected to be maintained, but times were changing.

During our teenage years, we had experimented with each other while we were attended boarding school. We started out masturbating in front of each other, then it evolved leading to us sharing the same girl as well as doing other things.

As adults, we still messed around, but it was not something that we did often.

Those who were close to us, if they paid enough attention, might have picked up on certain things that may have had them wondering. Especially given how we bickered at times, often insulting each other's manhood about who was longer and thicker and which of us had more stamina.

Such intimate details could not have been known by simply guessing, there was an air of familiarity about it. But no one ever openly asked us anything and as such, whatever happened within our beds usually stayed there.

There was a mutual love between us that did not need any words, we understood each other perfectly and we had the kind of bond that would last until death came to claim us.

Taking a slow sip from my own drink, our gazes locked.

It would be another few seconds before my eyes slowly travelled over Aleksandr's upper body. He had taken off his grey jacket and had rolled the sleeves of his black shirt up to his elbows, exposing his tattooed forearms.

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