"You're joking right?", The man gawked in reply.

"Nope. Ask him if you want. Blaze obviously knows better", The bar tender said pouring the guy another drink.

The man turns to his side and looks at Blaze questioningly. Blaze nods in return without even looking at him.

"How are you so sure. This just could be another rumour?", The man asked curiously.

"It's not. The Don has sent a few men as an attempt to end the Kingston bloodline", Blaze turns finally looking at the guy in the eyes.

The man's eyes went wide in shock. The bar tender just smirked.

"You're a part of the Italian mafia", The man said in surprise.

Blaze nods looking bored again.

The bar tender was amused to see that. It was not a surprise that even the mafia's men came here to chill and have some drinks. He had met many of them.

"So how are things with the Don? He must be pissed royally", The bar tender asked cautiously.

Even though Blaze was a regular here and he had a good enough relationship with him he knew the man was not to be messed with.

Blaze was feared by many after all.

"What makes you think I'm talking about the internal affairs? I could even shoot you for attempting so and no one would question me", Blaze looked at the bar tender.

The man next to him shuddered.

"Oh come on. You ordered your regular which means you're not angry ergo not dangerous. Secondly you like me better than other workers here", The bar tender smiled eager to get some fresh news.

Blaze smirked in amusement. He lazily stretched his arms upwards and sighed in boredom. He was not one to enjoy gossiping, but he knew the news will get out one way or another.

"He isn't really in his best mood right now. He might kill you if you even dared to breath around him. So stay sharp if he comes here", Blaze advised which he rarely does.

The bar tender nods frantically. The man next to Blaze gulped.

"So?", The bar tender raised his eyebrows hoping for some more news.

Even that other man had his full attention on Blaze hoping to get some news from a more direct source for once.

"He has underestimated that man and now is regretting it. But of course he has his own way to express that", Blaze replied.

Those two listeners knew what he was referring to. Some real savage executions have happened since the Kingstons have come to power.

The Italian Don is killing anyone in anger.

"Poor prisoners are lucky if they die in one go", The bar tender comments.

"He has to be in a good mood for that", Blaze rolled his eyes knowing what's happening back at the mafia.

"But how come he underestimated Rowan? I thought he was hell bent on ending him?", The man asked inquisitively.

"Pay attention dumb nut. Is Rowan dead? Of course the Don hasn't succeeded yet", The bar tender shakes his head.

"How come? He's so powerful and that Rowan guy had nothing to defend himself with", The man asked even more intrigued.

Blaze chugged down another drink and was wondering if he should just leave or wait for his friend like he was supposed to. He was getting bored.

"Blaze?", The bar tender asked slowly as he had the same question in mind.

Blaze rolled his eyes wondering how did he get stuck with a pair of gossip queens.

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