Finn dissociates from his body a lot sometimes even on purpose

Start from the beginning

The black Teletubby would just keep blankly looking.

"Ah, it sounds like he's dissociating." Gary looks down, seemingly thinking before raising his head. "Finn, do you know anyone in this room?"

What the hell? Richard knew Gary was a bit dumb but this was no time for asking stupid questions-

Finn shakes his head.

While Richard was being shocked by this answer, Gary pulled a notepad out of his coat pocket, unclips his pen and starts writing something on it.

"Do you know how to talk?"

Finn is silent for a few seconds before shrugging.

"Do you remember anything past childhood?"

Finn slightly narrowed his eyebrows, looking more confused than anything.


"I see..."

Richard stamps his foot and looks at Gary.

The doctor lowers his voice, "He's aware of his state of mind and either A, he can't get out. Or B, he doesn't want to."

"What do we do then?" Richard questions, not even bothering to whisper back, making Gary glare at him.

"I'll be right back."

Richard protests as Gary walks out of his office.


Gary wanders into the common area where Dutch is pitching dumb pick up lines to Miles as if they weren't already dating.


He pauses at Gary's serious tone. Miles squints at him either out of suspicion or anger at interrupting them.


"There's something wrong with your brother."

Dutch immediately gets up, waves bye to Miles then rushes towards the medical wing.

"H-hey! I didn't even tell you what's wrong yet!" Gary felt panicked considering Dutch might possibly be taken back by Finn's behavior.

He runs after him.

Dutch slams open the door, Richard and Finn are seemingly startled by the loud noise.

"Ew, you're here." Dutch squints at the captain.

Richard would have thrown a snark at him if they weren't paying attention to Finn, who has pressed himself against a wall, struggling to remember how to breathe.

Dutch froze for a few seconds, maaaybe he should have had Gary explain to him, eh too late now.

"Shit, sorry Finn, I forgot you can't stand me."

Finn opened his mouth to speak, paused, then glared at him, perhaps catching the pun.

Gary runs in, panting, "Da-damn it Dutch."

Dutch gestures at Finn with a raised eyebrow. Finn now had his own furrowed as if deeply thinking.

"I believe...he's depersonalizing."

Dutch stares at him blankly then turns toward his brother.

"So does this mean you'll break up with Richard?" He questions with an 'innocent' smile.


Finn blinks a few times, squints, pats his own face.

"You know that stupid red guy that kept using stupid pick up lines that sucked?"

Richard glared at him, "I'm right here you know!"

Finn pauses before slowly exhaling, "Didn't you use dumb lines on Miles?"

"First of all, welcome back Finn. Second of all, you didn't answer me. Third of all, Miles loves my stupidity!" Dutch squints at him.

Finn carefully stands up, "No, I'm not ditching the captain."

Dutch sighs in 'disappointment'.

Richard gives Gary a look. "Why is Dutch even here?"

The doctor shakes his head. "Because Finn needed someone he knew from his childhood to talk to him."

"So are we done." Finn interrupts, looking a mix of tired, annoyed, and uncomfortable.

Gary nods, "You can leave." But he takes hold of Richard and Dutch. "But you two, we have to have a long talk."

"That's not fair!" Dutch whines.

"You TWO need education so we all know what to do when this happens again."

"I hate serious Gary." Dutch pouts, despite his worry.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now