Chapter Twenty-One.

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"Try it, querido." Zayn gives us both a skeptical look before glancing down at the plate of Sonhos. He catches his eyes with mine and all I do is smile, lightly nodding my head.

"With...with me?" Zayn asks, holding up a piece for me to take. His English has gotten slightly better over these last few months – still broken but understandable. We try to speak in both English and Portuguese around him so that he's comfortable but he's insistent on using English because he wants to get better at it.

I can't help but to feel a surge of pride rush through me whenever I watch Zayn do or say new things. Whenever I see the hint of a smile on his face I get excited, I know he's trying his hardest. I just want what's best for him.

We've come to be super close. I can see us being friends for a very very long time and that makes me happy. I've never had a best friend before. Especially one that gets to live with me.

Mum lets go of me with a kiss to the top of my head as I grab the Sonhos from his hand and make my way over to sit beside him. With mum watching on, I shyly tap my Sonhos against his before we both raise them to our lips, devouring them whole.

I almost let my eyes close as the taste spreads over my tongue but I refuse to miss Zayn's reaction. His eyes widen as he chews, quietly humming as his chewing becomes faster. My mother just about squeals in glee as he reaches for another one, quickly throwing it into his mouth as his eyes dart between mine and mum's.

" good. Obrigado."

Mum can't contain herself any longer and rushes over to cup Zayn's cheeks, littering kisses all over his head. "Oh, I'm so happy, querido! Eat, eat! Feliz natal meu amor."

This is how I spend the next hour, stuffing my face full of mum's desserts with Zayn.

I can't stop watching Zayn as we do so, noticing all the little expressions he makes as he continues to try the whole table filled with different desserts. I can't help but to smile along with him, stuffing my face with the sweet treats as well, occasionally looking over at mum to see her watching us with so much happiness.

I've never been happier.

"Estou cheio que dói-me a barriga." Zayn eventually says as he leans back into his seat when he's finally had enough. His hands rub over his stomach, a content smile on his face as he relishes in the post-dessert aftermath.

His words make mum and I laugh and I nudge a piece of Bolo Rei towards him only for him to playfully glare at me.

Mum walks over to Zayn, turning him to face her so she can pinch both of his cheeks before grinning down at him. She runs her fingers through his hair, staring at him with a soft look on her face and I can recognize that look anywhere.

It's how she looks at me.

I thought I would feel jealous. I've always thought that if my mum had to split her attention between me and someone else that I would hate it. But I don't. And maybe that's because it's Zayn and no one could ever possibly hate him or maybe it's simply because I love him. He's another member of our family and I can't ever imagine another day without him. We're best friends.

I watch in awe as mum leans down to press a kiss to Zayn's head and he smiles brightly, closing his eyes in contentment. I know exactly what he's feeling right now, a mother's touch and comfort are the best thing ever. Our mother's touch and comfort.

When she's done, she walks a few steps over to me and does the same. I squeeze her tightly, hearing her sigh out in happiness. She pulls away from me, trailing her fingers over my cheeks before smiling at the two of us.

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