The day progressed quickly into night and it was almost showtime. The moments before were always the most stressful, everyone being on edge, not displaying necessarily the best sides of themselves. Emma had made her way backstage with the guys, giving them one final pep talk.

"Listen, this is it! The moment we prepared for all those hours. Enjoy it! Don't put too much pressure on yourselves, just enjoy okay?", she said with an encouraging smile.

The three young men nodded with nervous smiles.

"Just breath, you guys will be fine, just listen to the crowd! They came to see you, remember that", Namjoon added.

Loud screams and chants had already filled the air. They got ready for the entrance as the first intense notes hit the speakers. Namjoon and Emma squeezed each others hands nervously in excitement like two proud parents watching their kids. Neither of them could stand still, they jumped and cheered as loudly as the crowd did.

Tae watched them, smirking. He loved their friendship. Loved how they knew each other well enough to not need words sometimes. They were a well coordinated duo of managers definitely. It was obvious that Namjoon was her work husband for a very long time and a great friend to her. He wasn't jealous of him, just wishing that he could have the same with her one day and more.

Back to dreaming again. His mind tended to go there abundantly, to visions of what life would be like with her. Her overly joyed face in this moment brought a smile to his. The sweet feeling of accomplishment and pride, he could relate.

She was tired though, he could tell. Behind all that supportive energy was a hint of exhaustion, he could see it through her eyes. But as usual, she just kept going with a smile on her face, putting everyone else needs before hers.

Eventually the show ended and they managed to get the guys into cars quickly to avoid chaos at the venue. It was a successful night definitely and everyone was exhausted from the release of months of tension tonight.

Excited chatter was still heard all the way to the hotel, but Emma just observed everything quietly, taking in every moment.

"Emma, why are you so quiet tonight?", J-hope asked her curiously.

"Yeah , it's not like you to be this quiet", Jimin added with a worried face.

"Are you okay? Do you need some water?", JK asked, trying to be helpful as usual.

"Guys,I'm fine, just tired. I'm so proud of you. I'm just enjoying listening to your feelings about tonight. It makes me so happy. Like a proud sister!", she answered with a tired smile.

"Are you sure?", Jimin asked again.

"Yeah I'm sure, I'm fine, don't worry. But no partying tonight! Go straight to your rooms and have some dinner and then to bed. You need the rest!", she continued.

"Same goes for you, behave and go straight to bed...alone", Jimin said and they all burst out into laughter, knowing exactly what he meant.

Emma blushed and Tea laughed nervously in the backseat.

"Jesus christ...seriously...I can't with you guys, always embarrassing me!", she said and stared at them intensely.

"Just saying...", Jimin muttered and rolled his eyes.

Emma was grateful that the car ride came to an end quickly and they all disbanded into their rooms. Tae grabbed her hand in the lobby when no one was paying attention and pulled her into the closest elevator to her surprise.

She stared at him startled and nervous. Damn those nerves again. His presence was not any less intimidating tonight, his tall well carved features leaning against the wall, his wavy hair almost covering his dreamy eyes, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes on her as usual.

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