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Ink groaned a little as he stretched out his body. He sighed happily, smiling. He felt much better. The rest had really helped him.

Sitting up, he heard a mixture of jiggling and clinking. Blinking a little, he looked around, hearing more jiggling. It sounded like a bell? Naturally, his hand began to move up to his neck, causing something to clink.

Furrowing his brows, he looked down at his wrists. His eyes widen as he saw forearm braces, beautifully glimmering chains falling down. The chains were short, but they weren't attached to anything, yet that wasn't what worried him.

With new vigor, Ink jumped from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, all the while jiggling and clinking. With a shocked look, he raised his hand to his neck. He had on a soft looking collar with both a jiggle bell and a loop for a leash to be hooked to it.

As he stared at his reflection, a blush began to form on his face. He remembered a couple of Error's erotic sketches had him chained like this, sometimes wrapped in some fabric.

"Do you like it?" The artist jolted some, moving away from the voice. Error held this amused expression, but there was one major thing that Ink noticed.

"W-Where's your binds? Di-Did-" His eyes moved up to Error's before he bit his lip.

"I won't lie to you, what's the point in doing so?" His tone was loving as he walked into the bathroom. "We didn't get them removed by the Guardians. We broke our own binds and we placed them on you and Geno." As he said this, he cupped the other's face.

Ink gulped some, tears brimming his eyes. "You... You didn't hurt them right?" Fear was in his voice, making the other frown.

"We didn't kill them. That would only upset the balance. I don't want you being forced out of here. I want you here, with me. I'll make sure the worlds are safe. I will do anything you ask, but I won't release you. I won't let you leave me." A dark look took over his eyes, making those charming eyes look twisted and evil... But Ink couldn't help himself and find it so handsome.

He opened and closed his mouth some before shyly looking down. He wasn't denying anything. No, instead, his body was burning with need. It had been far too long since he's done anything sexual. Error knew this.

Teasingly, he pulled the other close to him, tilting their head up. He held this cocky smirk he knew drove Ink wild, he could see it in how his eyes flickered.

"No one will judge~ I'm the big bad wolf after all~" He deepened his voice, watching as Ink practically became a puddle in his arms. "Say you're mine. Say you're bonded to me." He demanded, his voice turning into a deep, possessive growl that got Ink's soul fluttering and twisting in ways it probably shouldn't.

He bit his lip, pressing his legs closed. He wanted to say it, saying it would be good! Error wouldn't have any reason to kill anyone anymore! But... Saying that would mean he would forfeit any form of freedom outside the AU they're in.

Error chuckled, leaning down and kissing his conflicted artist. He knew it would take some time for them to get used to this. He didn't mind waiting~ He knew it wouldn't be long~

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