Chapter 20

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Dilan's point of view

The music started and Sharon really was dancing. the song was boys boys boys by lady gaga. she was mouthing the words as she danced. for "hey there sugar baby saw you twice at the pop show" she held out three fingers to Vlad and then quickly fixed it to two. she danced around Vlad in circles and removed his jacket sensually. Vlad was creeped out, but I was enjoying this! she awkwardly danced towards me when the song talked about a "bad boy with retro sneakers" and pulled Ivan off the couch and onto the center of the room when the song talked about "let's go to the party, heard our buddy's the DJ" she shook her hips towards the mini bar and pulled out the water bottle from the fridge. she tried opening it but instead ended up handing it over to Ivan. then she jumped on my back when the song started on "I'm a loose electric party, let's get lost in your Ferrari!" she gave me a kiss on the cheek before hopping off and twirled her way to Ivan. she hugged him from behind and his body grew stiff. she moved his arms like a puppet master to crack eggs when the song sang "in the morning you buy me eggs" she wrapped her arms around Vlad's neck, pressing her ass on him and grinded down on him as the song went "boys like you love me forever" she turned to face him popped her chest at him.

(clapping) Lex: no, not boys like him, boys like me will love you!

Dilan: he didn't drink water. that bottle had vodka in it.

Ivan: he's never drunk alcohol so he's....

she pointed at me and made a heart with her fingers for "we like boys in cars" then to Ivan, she gave him a flying kiss for "buy us drinks in bars" she circled around Vlad snapping her fingers during "wear hairspray and denim" then smacked his butt during "we love them!" she did a few more weird steps and fell into Vlad's arms. he caught her and she was out cold.

Vladimir: well guess that means the games over.

Vlad carries her over to the bed.

Ivan: why on earth would you have vodka in a water bottle? that too in the fridge.

Dilan: ask Vlad, it's his room after all.

Vladimir: alright get out and go to bed.

Lex: goodnight, it was a fun match. see you tomorrow night Vladimir.

Lex left the room and Vlad places Sharon on the bed and tucked her feet in. he pulled the blanket over to cover her.

(Whispers to Ivan) Dilan: is it ok to leave her with him?

(Whisper) Ivan: I guess so.

Dilan: I hope so.

Vladimir: hope what?

Dilan: no-nothing.

Vladimir: then get out. I wanna take a shower.

Ivan: what a waste of perfectly fresh eggs.

(Laughing) Dilan: aren't eggs good for smooth skin? he'll have a smooth dick now!!

Vladimir: fuck off.

we left the room and headed back to our own. Ivan closed the door behind us, and I removed my cut tee and jumped in bed.

Ivan: I should probably inform Ronin that he'd be sleeping with us.

Dilan: oh yeah, Vlad would probably use the pull out now.

Ivan: hmm, seems like I've been beaten to it. Ronin messaged back saying he's already aware of the situation.

Dilan: that's Vlad for ya.

Ivan: pick a side! don't sprawl out all over the bed.

Dilan: you think Vlad will ever find out about her before the month is up?

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